North Post-Closure Permit: Public Meeting: Tooele Army Depot

The Tooele Army Depot (TEAD) will hold two public meetings on March 12, 2014, to discuss ground water cleanup, disposal area cleanups, and planned remedial investigation activities at TEAD

The open house—from 5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.— is an opportunity for members of the public to learn more about ground water remediation at TEAD, express any concerns, and offer their views on preferred treatment methods. TEAD and DSHW will consider public input in the selection process for remediation technology and may make changes based on feedback from the public.

Public Meetings

Wednesday, March 12, 2014, from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.

Meeting with Restoration Advisory Board on cleanup at TEAD-South (former Deseret Chemical Depot)

Wednesday, March 12, 2014, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

Open house on ground water cleanup activities at TEAD-North

Both meetings will be held at the USU Extension Auditorium, Tooele County Health Department, 151 North Main Street, Tooele.

Remediation Options

From 1968 to 1988, TEAD disposed industrial waste water into four unlined ditches that flowed into an unlined Industrial Wastewater Lagoon (IWL). These disposal practices contaminated the ground water underlying a large area of TEAD N with chlorinated solvents.

To date, TEAD has employed two ground water remediation technologies at contaminated sites:

  1. Groundwater treatment plant (GWTP)
    Treatment plant pumps and treats contaminated ground water.
  2. Soil vapor extraction (SVE) and air sparging (AS)
    SVE uses vacuums to draw evaporated volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the soil through extraction wells. The vapors are treated aboveground. Air sparging injects contaminant-free air into the soils to facilitate the transfer of hydrocarbons into vapors.

A third corrective measure, monitored natural attenuation (MNA), is also being considered for future cleanup actions. MNA relies on natural processes to reduce concentrations of contaminants in groundwater. Regular monitoring ensures that the contamination does not migrate off-site.

Chlorinated Solvent Contamination at TEAD

There are three distinct chlorinated solvent plumes at TEAD:

  1. The main TCE plume at the closed Industrial Wastewater Lagoon (IWL) and associated ditches:
    This plume is contained and was treated by a GWTP under the conditions in the TEAD N post-closure/corrective action permit.
  2. The secondary TCE plume in the transferred BRAC industrial area:
    This plume has spread about 1.5 miles off-site to the north of State Highway 112. While the source—an oil-water separator—was removed in the fall of 2000, the exact extent of the off-site portion to the north of the northeastern TEAD N boundary is still being determined. The groundwater treatment system extraction wells installed in 1994 to treat the main plume have not had any influence on this contamination. TEAD is using SVE/AS to treat this secondary TCE plume.
  3. The tertiary plumes, composed of carbon tetrachloride, TCE, TCA, 1,1 DCA, at the closed landfill and various locations throughout the industrial area:
    These plumes appear to commingle with the main plume southwest of the IWL. These plumes are diffuse and not easily identifiable. TEAD is using SVE/AS to treat five sources in these tertiary plumes.

Corrective Measures

TEAD operated its GWTP from December 1993 to June 2004, removing approximately 5,900 lbs. of TCE during its operation. TEAD deactivated the GWTP in 2004. Assessments of TEAD found additional source areas of TCE that could not be treated using the GWTP.

Under TEAD’s Corrective Measures Study and Implementation (CMS) for its post-closure permit, the facility must develop corrective measure alternatives based on health and environmental criteria, EPA guidance, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Facility Investigation, and statutory requirements.

The CMS recommends SVE/AS remediation for identified sources of contamination and MNA for diffuse portions of the plume.

Tooele Army Depot Map

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