Given the nature of the year-round service and scope of providing healthcare, many hospitals and healthcare systems are adopting environmental improvement programs to help them reduce their water and energy bills and cut down on the amount of waste and chemicals that they generate. Environmental improvement programs can also protect the health of patients, staff, the communities served, and the environment. Use the following resources to learn strategies to help you:
- Purchase products and services that are less damaging to the environment and protect the health of patients, staff, and the community.
- Minimize the use and exposure to toxic chemicals, including persistent, bioaccumulative, and toxic (PBT) substances.
- Create healthy, healing environments by using sustainable design, building techniques, and building materials.
- Reduce water and energy use.
Related Links and Fact Sheets
- EPA’s Information for Healthcare Providers
Medical facilities use a large variety of mercury-containing equipment and products. This page provides resources relating to issues of particular concern to people who work in the health care industry, including the medical uses of mercury, programs to reduce the use of mercury, health effects of mercury, workplace safety, how to handle mercury spills, and proper disposal and treatment of mercury waste. - EPA’s Profile of the Healthcare Industry Notebook
A comprehensive guide on the waste, and air and water pollution generated by the healthcare industry. - Health Care Without Harm
Health Care Without Harm is an international coalition of hospitals and health care systems, medical professionals, community groups, health-affected constituencies, labor unions, environmental and environmental health organizations and religious groups. - Practice Greenhealth
A nonprofit membership organization that educates health care professionals through fact sheets, technical assistance, and workshops about the best environmental improvement practices for facilities management, design and construction, environmental purchasing, waste management, clean energy, chemicals management, pest management, and more. - Sustainable Hospitals Program
The Sustainable Hospitals Program (SHP) is located within the University of Massachusetts University of Massachusetts Lowell, Department of Work Environment. The SHP provides fact sheets and technical support to the healthcare industry for selecting products and work practices that reduce occupational and environmental hazards, maintain quality patient care, and contain costs.
Eleanor Divver ([email protected]), Business Assistance Coordinator: (801) 536-0091