News and Announcements

Inflation Factor

The inflation factor/multiplier for 2024, to be used when making adjustments to closure/post-closure cost estimates in 2025, is 1.025.

Change to DWMRC’s Corrective Action Section

The Corrective Action Section is now the Hazardous Waste Cleanup Program.  Look for new updates in February.

Required E-Manifest Registration for Small and Large Quantity Generators

Please see the attached document concerning the required e-Manifest Registration for Small and Large Quantity Generators.

Hazardous Waste Small Quantity Generator Re-Notification Due September 1, 2025

Please see the attached document concerning the required re-notification for all Hazardous Waste Small Quantity Generators Re-Notification Information.

Haz-Rad Reporter

(12/1/2024)–Waste Management and Radiation Control Newsletter 

If you would like to be notified each year when this newsletter is published, please visit our Subscribe page and sign up for the Annual Newsletter email list.

Large Quantity Generator Closure Fact Sheet

The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control has created a document to provide guidance on the closure process of Large Quantity Generators who generated and stored hazardous waste.

Radioactive Material Program Proposed Fee Changes

The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) is proposing to increase Radioactive Material (RAM) Program fees to ensure fees cover the cost of the RAM program and to add an additional full-time employee (FTE). The additional FTE is to improve turnaround times of licensing actions to provide better customer service to RAM licensees. DWMRC values the input of stakeholders regarding these changes. Therefore, stakeholder meetings are being held in July, 2024 to receive feedback. Proposed fee changes are available for review.  

For questions, contact Phil Goble at [email protected] or (385)630-7733.

Response & Clean Up Guidance for Petroleum Spills

The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control has created a guidance document to assist entities in responding to spills of petroleum products that are not from Underground Storage Tanks or Above Ground Storage Tanks. 

Backlog of Containerized Hazardous Waste Frequently Asked Questions 2024

EPA has provided additional guidance regarding the backlog of containerized hazardous waste needing incineration.  Information is provided for hazardous waste generators, transporters, and Treatment, Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDF).

The Technical Guidance for Risk Assessments is now available

The  Division developed the Technical Guide for Risk Assessments: Utah Administrative Code R315-101 (or the TGRA) to assist facilities within the State of Utah in navigating UAC R315-101 , which sets the standards for risk-based closure.  TGRA outlines recommended approaches to both human health and ecological risk assessments based on current State and Federal risk assessment practices.  The overarching objective of the TGRA is to allow for a consistent interpretation of the Rule when conducting risk assessments.  The TGRA is focused on how to complete human health and ecological risk assessments required under UAC R315-101.

Lithium Battery Recycling Regulatory Status and Frequently Asked Questions

On May 24th, EPA sent out a memorandum to clarify how the hazardous waste regulations for universal waste and recycling apply to lithium-ion batteries.

How to Dispose of and Recycle Hand Sanitizer

Manufacturers produced large quantities of hand sanitizer during the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, and many organizations now have excess hand sanitizer that is reaching or has exceeded expiration dates. Alcohol-based hand sanitizer typically contains at least 60 percent alcohol by volume and is an ignitable hazardous waste when discarded. Households and many businesses and institutions are looking for the proper way to dispose of or recycle excess hand sanitizer.

Never dispose of hand sanitizer down the drain. Ignitable materials, such as alcohol-based hand sanitizer, can be very dangerous when poured down the drain. The liquid and vapors in water pipes and sewer systems can cause fires and explosions. EPA also recommends not putting it in your regular household trash or recycling bin.

EPA e-Manifest Compliance Advisory

The EPA Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance issued a compliance advisory about Data Quality Issues with Hazardous Waste Manifests Submitted to EPA’s e-Manifest System.  The purpose of this advisory is to assist hazardous waste handlers in reducing data quality issues in the e-Manifest system and to support their compliance with federal regulations and Utah hazardous waste rules.

New Radiological Incidents & Allegations Page

The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (WMRC) works to protect employees and the public from radiation hazards, and we have the responsibility to respond to incidents and allegations involving radiological materials.

Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Waste Management

In 2019, the Utah Legislature made important changes to the Solid and Hazardous Waste Act in response to a U.S. EPA requirement for state solid waste programs to have primary responsibility for management of E&P wastes. Read more and share your input …

EPA Issues Final Rule Revoking All Tolerances for the Insecticide Chlorpyrifos

In response to EPA’s August 2021 final rule revoking all tolerances for the insecticide chlorpyrifos under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA), several objections, hearing requests, and requests for stay were filed by numerous parties representing a wide variety of growers and pesticide users. Effective February 28, 2022, EPA issued an Order that denies all objections to, requests for hearing on those objections, as well as requests for stay of the final rule.

For more information regarding this issue please see the press release from EPA at this link:
EPA Takes Next Step to Keep Chlorpyrifos Out of Food, Protecting Farmworkers and Children’s Health.

For information regarding the disposal of chlorpyrifos products please contact the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Pesticide Program at 801-982-2300 or visit their website.

Statewide Recycling Data Initiative

Recycling & solid waste facilities, we need your help!

By participating in our survey, you will be a part of modernizing Utah’s solid waste management and recycling data, supporting the US’s national goal of increasing the recycling rate to 50% by 2030.

Division Using New Email List Management Application

In September of 2021 the Division began using a new software application for management of our various email lists. Email messages sent to those who have subscribed to the various email lists will come from the email address [email protected]. These messages may land in your SPAM folder. Please add [email protected] to your contact list to minimize the potential for these messages to be sent to your SPAM folder.

30-Day Storage Extension Request Guidance and FormHeading

In accordance with Utah Administrative Code R315- 262-16(d) for small quantity generators (SQGs) and R315-262-17(b) for large quantity generators (LQGs), a generator may request a 30-day accumulation time limit extension for hazardous waste stored on site longer than the 90-day time frame for LQGs or 180 days (or 270 days if the waste must be transported a distance of 200 miles or more) for SQGs. The Director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control may grant a 30-day extension to qualifying generators that may exceed their time limits due to unforeseen, temporary, and uncontrollable circumstances.

The division has created guidance and a form for requesting a 30-day extension. Although not required by rule, generators are encouraged to use the application form when requesting an extension.

New Pamphlet for Utah Schools on E-cigarette Waste Management

Utah law requires schools to confiscate and properly dispose of electronic cigarette products. Electronic cigarettes contain liquid nicotine or nicotine residue and may contain lithium batteries. Nicotine and lithium ion batteries are hazardous wastes that must be disposed of properly.

A new pamphlet is now available to provide schools with guidance on how to properly manage and dispose of electronic cigarettes.

Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Annual Report (October 2019)

Biennial Hazardous Waste Report

All large quantity hazardous waste generators and treatment, storage, and disposal facilities in the State are required to submit a hazardous waste generation and management report to the Division every even year by March 1.

Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events

Certain counties have collection events where residents can drop off household hazardous waste.

Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA)

The Department of Environmental Quality places a high priority on assisting the public when requesting to view our public files. The Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) requires that we respond to a request within ten working days of its receipt. DWMRC GRAMA Clerk: Alyssa Stringham ([email protected](801) 536-4002.

Doug Hansen: Director, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
Doug Hansen, Director

P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah
Phone: (801) 536-0200
FAX: (801) 536-0222

Contacts: DWMRC


(801) 536-4123


Multi Agency
State Office Building
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, Utah

Google Maps Link



8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

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