Department of Environmental Quality

Records Request: Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA)


This page is only for the Department of Environmental Quality.

Visit the Division of Archives and Records Service to learn about filing a GRAMA request for other Utah agencies.

The Department of Environmental Quality places a high priority on assisting the public when requesting to view our public files. The Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) requires that we respond to a request within ten working days of its receipt.

Self Service

Many, but not all, Department records can be located easily, without charge, by using the Easy Records Search and/or the Interactive Map. If you don’t find what you’re looking for, follow the instructions under GRAMA Request to obtain the desired information.


The Government Records Access and Management Act (GRAMA) is a comprehensive law dealing with management of government records and access to those records. It is an attempt to balance the public’s constitutional right of access to information concerning the conduct of the public’s business, the individual’s constitutional right of privacy in relation to personal data gathered by government entities, and the public policy interest in allowing government to restrict access to certain records for the public good.

GRAMA 63-2-204 requires that a person making a request for a record shall furnish the governmental entity with a written request containing a name, mailing address, daytime phone number, and a description of the records with reasonable specificity.

Complete a GRAMA request form for either the Department or a specific Division. If you know the Division in which the records are located, you may contact that Division’s GRAMA file clerk directly. The Division GRAMA Coordinator will respond to your request within 10 working days of proper receipt, if they exist, and then contact the requestor.

In some rare cases, where there is deemed to be sensitive content, a GRAMA request may be denied by Department management. DEQ also has a growing number of public files available online. See the Self Service section above.

Contacts & Requests

Reminder: This page is only for the Department of Environmental Quality.

If you have questions about this process, or if you require information that is Department-wide or may cross Divisions, contact:

Division of Air Quality

DAQ Records Request Submittal: Tanner Lemer ( and Melissa Yazhe (
(801) 536-4067

Division of Drinking Water

DDW Records Request
(801) 536-4205

Division of Environmental Response and Remediation

DERR Records Request

(801) 536-4157

  • Fax to (801) 359-8853
  • Delivered to DERR (195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, Utah)

Please call in advance to schedule an appointment to come in and review the records. Call the GRAMA Coordinator (801) 536-4100 (DEQ only) to make arrangements.

  • View Files:
    Monday-Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
  • Request Files to be Reviewed:
    Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Any request submitted after 4:00 p.m. will be processed the following business day.

Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control

DWMRC Records Request

(801) 536-0200

DWMRC records are not typically maintained by facility address, coordinates or parcel numbers. To ensure DWMRC has the necessary information to conduct a search, please provide details such as facility name, EPA ID number, radiation control license number, operator, permittee, or licensee name, and so forth in your GRAMA request submission.

Division of Water Quality

DWQ Records Request

(801) 536 4300

Department of Environmental Quality

Executive Director’s Office Open Records Request Submittals:
(801) 536-0095

Other Options

If you are unsure where to start, or the request involves multiple programs, start here:

Helpful Hints

  • Try the DEQ Interactive Map first. It may provide you will all the information that you’re seeking and you can access it at your convenience.
  • Be as specific as possible in making the request.
  • Make sure your form includes your contact information, in case we have questions.
  • Take extreme care while viewing or copying documents. These files are public record and State property. They are not allowed to leave the office. Video monitoring is used to maintain file integrity. Requests are handled on a first come, first served basis. Larger files and file requests may take more time to prepare.

Viewing Records

  • To accommodate everyone wishing to view files, an appointment is necessary.
  • Records may be viewed Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. (except on holidays).
  • Any request submitted after 5:00 p.m. will be processed the following business day.
  • Records may not leave the site. All file review and copying must be done in the DEQ facility.
  • Call in advance to schedule an appointment to view records. This enables our staff to locate the files and ensure that we are able to accommodate everyone wishing to view records during a given time.
  • A GRAMA Request for Public Information form should be completed before any files can be researched.
  • Completed forms can be Emailed, faxed, mailed, or delivered to the appropriate office. The form must be completed even if it is anticipated that no fee will be charged.

Copying Costs

  • Regular copy charges apply to the standard paper sizes used by our copies (generally 8.5 x 11).
    • The first ten single-sided copies are free.
    • Copies made by the customer on a DEQ machine are $0.05 per single-sided copy (subject to machine availability).
    • Copies made by a DEQ employee are $0.25 per single-sided copy. The first ten copies are free.
    • Copying more than 25 pages may take up to five working days.
  • Special sizes or types of records and maps can also be copied. The costs of these special orders will also include staff time.
  • Payment must be received prior to the delivery of copies.
  • A requestor may bring their own duplicating equipment or hire an outside agency to copy files (with sufficient notice).
  • Database Searches and Investigation by staff engineers or scientists: Investigation by staff engineers or scientists or database searches: There is no charge for an investigation or data search that takes 15 minutes or less. Investigations or searches that take over 15 minutes are charged an hourly rate of the least expensive employee who can accomplish the task.
  • Scanning, Email, CDs and Thumb Drives: 25 cents per single-sided page scanned and emailed or copied. $10.00 per CD. $15 per thumb drive. This must be paid before receiving the information or request.


  • Payment is due prior to or at the time of service.
  • DEQ cannot bill customers for copies made.
  • For out-of-state customers, payment must be made before copies can be mailed.
  • All customers may be required to pay, not just out of state customers.
  • If the copy fees are expected to exceed $50.00, the requester may be required to pay a deposit on estimated fees before processing will begin.
  • Customers may either pay by check, cash, or through the payment portal.
  • If paying by cash, the exact amount will be required. DEQ does not have the resources to make change.
  • Please make all checks payable to the appropriate Division.

Sensitive Information and Disclaimer

Facility location data, source protection zones, water system inventory information, and/or monitoring schedules, among others, are considered sensitive for security purposes. Any government agency that releases any part of this information is required to follow the procedures set forth in the Utah Government Records Access and Management Act (Title 63, Chapter 2 of the Utah Code).

The Department of Environmental Quality, as well as its Divisions, strive to maintain and provide accurate and complete data; however, the Department provides no warranty nor accepts any responsibility or liability for inaccurate or incomplete data.


Contact Brenda Johnson (, (801) 536-0095

Last Updated:


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