This is an index of DEQ Web pages established and maintained to display information about businesses and governmental entities that deal with the Department on a regular basis, for permits, certifications, licenses, et cetera, or, that have had special issues requiring Department attention.
- A & J Swine, LLC
- A1 Lithium LLC
- Advanced Clean Energy Storage I, LLC (ACES I)
- Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.
- AirGas โ Nitrous Oxide Corporation
- Alpental Energy Partners
- Alton Coal Development, LLC
- American Chemical, LLC
- American Pacific Corporation
- Amoco Oil Company (Tesoro Refining and Marketing)
- Anderson Farms
- Andy Lewis Construction LLC
- Anfield Resources Holding, Corp.
- Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- Arive Homes – Ranch Meadows Subdivision Project
- Ashley Valley Operating Company
- Ashley Valley Water Reclamation Facility
- Asimpa, LLC
- ATI Titanium
- ATK Launch Systems (formerly Thiokol)
- Autolive North America
- Barrick Resources (USA), Inc
- Bear River City Corporation
- Beaver City
- Beaver County
- Beryl Junction EcoDrum Treatment Facility
- Best Friends Animal Society
- Bird Homes, LLC
- Black Iron, LLC
- Blackstone Minerals, LLC
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah
- Blue Mountain Biogas
- Blue Mountain Farms
- Blue Sky Ranch and Resort
- Blue Water Resort
- Bluffdale Cooling
- BLX Mayflower LLC
- Bonneville Builders, L.C.
- Box Elder County
- BP Products North America (Tesoro Refining and Marketing)
- Brian Head Collection System
- Brigham City Corporation
- Bronco Utah Operations
- Cal-Maine-Foods
- Canyon Fuel Company, LLC
- Canyonlands By Night
- Capitol Reef National Park
- Carbon County
- Cargill Salt
- Casper’s Ice Cream, Inc.
- Castle Valley Special Service District
- Cedar City
- Centerfield Regional Culinary Water Treatment
- Central Davis Sewer District
- Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility
- Central Weber Sewer Improvement District
- Chamberlain Investment Company
- Chevron Products
- Christensen Finisher Farm
- Circle Four Farms (currently Smithfield Hog Production)
- Claude H. Nix Construction Company
- Clawson General Contracting
- Clayton Hodgson
- Clearfield Junction Apartments
- Coalville City Wastewater Treatment Facility
- Compass Minerals
- Competitive Excavation Incorporated
- Comstock/Mountain Lion Iron Mine
- Concentrated Aquatic Animal Production Facility (CAAPF) General Permit
- Consolidation Coal Company (Consol)
- Copper Canyon
- Coral Canyon Builders LLC
- Coral Junction Motor Coach Resort
- Corey Cattle Company
- Corinne City
- Cottonwood Wash and Dry and Recapture Lodge
- Courthouse Wash Water
- Craitian Development, LLC
- Crown Asphalt Ridge, LLC
- Crystal Peak Minerals
- CS Mining Construction
- D and S Dairy
- D.R. Horton Inc.-Lake Point Heights
- Dal Global Services
- Dalton Finisher Farms
- Danish Flats
- DATS Trucking, Inc
- David Madsen
- Davies Design Build
- Davis Class I Landfill
- Davis County
- Deep Creek Dairy
- Deer Creek Mine
- Deer Waters
- Delsco Northwest
- Delta Milk Company
- Denison Mines (USA) (Now Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc.
- Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD)
- Desert Hawk Gold Corporation
- Detroit Diesel Remanufacturing
- Dirt Pro Excavating LLC
- Division of Wildlife Resources
- DRM Construction, Inc.
- Dry Creek Structures, LLC
- Duchesne City
- Dugway Proving Grounds
- Dustin Dastrup
- Dutch Cowboy Dairy
- Dyno Nobel
- Eagle Mountain City
- Eagle Point Homes, LLC
- East Provo Golf Course Redevelopment
- Elberta Valley Ag
- Elk Operating Services, LLC
- Emery County
- Emery County Coal Resources (formerly Utah American Energy)
- Emery Refinery (Green River Petroleum Processing Plant)
- Emery Underground Mine (formerly Consolidation Coal Company [Consol])
- Emery Valley Sewer, LLC
- Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc.
- Energy Queen Mine
- Energy West Mining Company
- EnergySolutions (formerly Envirocare of Utah)
- Engelhard Corporation (Ninigret Construction)
- Ensign-Bickford Company
- Envirocare of Utah (EnergySolutions)
- EP Energy
- Ephraim City
- Escalante City
- Essential Botanical Farms, LC
- Eureka City
- Extell Development Company
- Fairview City
- Ferron Canal and Reservoir Company
- Ferron Main Street Market
- Flowserve
- Fossil Rock Resources
- Francis City
- Fresenius Medical Care
- Fugal (Dan and Guy)
- Garden City
- Garfield County
- Garland City
- General Multi Sector Permit for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activity
- General Permit for Coal Mining Operations
- General Permit for Discharges from Small Municipal Seperate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s)
- General Permit for Drinking Water Treatment Plants
- General Permit for Treated Ground Water and Surface Water
- General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activity Connected with Single Lot Housing Projects
- Geneva Steel, LLC (Anderson Geneva Development Inc.)
- GGC Member Acquisition, Inc
- Glen Canyon National Recreation Area
- Godfrey West Investors
- Golden State Operating
- GPM Enviro Project Manager, LLC (formerly Anderson Geneva Development Inc. and formerly Geneva Steel, LLC)
- Gramoll Construction Company
- Grand Water and Sewer Service
- Granite Construction Company
- Grantsville City
- Graveyard Wash Reservoir
- Great Salt Lake
- Great Salt Lake Brine Shrimp Cooperative
- Great Salt Lake Minerals Corporation
- Green River City
- Green River Landfill, LLC
- Green River Resources, Inc.: American Sands Energy Corp.
- GT Medical Holdings
- Gunlock Water Treatment Plant
- Gunnison Top Stop
- HADCO Construction, LLC
- Hanksville
- Harley Dome 1 Produced Water Treatment Facility
- Harper Dairy
- Headwaters Construction
- Heber Valley Special Services District
- Henefer Town
- Henderson Builders
- Heritage Land Development, LLC
- Heritage Transport, Inc.
- Hexcel Corporation
- Hiawatha Coal Company
- Hicks Canyon
- Hidden Canyon ESO
- High Line Dairy Farm
- Hill Air Force Base
- Holiday Oil Company
- Holmes Western Deer Springs
- Holt Dairy
- Hospitals and Healthcare Systems
- Huntington Power Plant
- Hydraulic Oil Cleanup
- Hydro Resources-Rocky Mountain, Inc
- Hyrum City
- I-215 Land
- IHC Health Services
- Integrated Water Management
- Intermountain Concrete Company
- Intermountain Generating Facility
- Intermountain Nutrition, LLC
- Intermountain OM Holdings, LLC
- Intermountain Power Service Corporation
- Intermountain OM Holdings dba Intermountain Rigging and Heavyhaul
- Interstate Homes
- Interstate Rock Products, Inc.
- Intrepid Mining, LLC
- Iron County
- J Lyne Roberts and Sons
- Jenamac
- Johns Valley
- Jordan Basin
- Jordan River
- Jordan Valley Municipalities
- Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District
- JWright Companies, Inc.
- Kamas City
- Kane Creek Preservation and Development, LLC
- Karl Lund
- Kellerstrass
- Kelly Larkin Dairy
- Kennecott Utah Copper L.L.C.
- Kier Construction Company
- Killowen Construction
- Klondike Landfill
- Lake Point Improvement District
- Lake Point Vistas, LC
- Landmark Excavating, Inc.
- Lawrence H. Miller
- Leamington Town Corporation
- Legacy Builders, Inc. – My Place Hotel
- Lehi City
- Lewiston City
- Lindsay Douglas Construction, LLC
- Lisbon Valley Mining Company, LLC
- Little Mountain Service Area
- Logan City
- Long Valley Sewer Improvement District
- Low Level Radioactive Waste: EnergySolutions
- LTS Enterprises, LLC.
- LW Miller Transportation Services, Inc
- Magnum Solution Mining, LLC
- Manila Town
- Manti City
- Marathon Petroleum
- Materion Natural Resources, Inc.
- Maverik, Inc.
- MCW Energy Group
- McWane Ductile
- Meadow Gold Dairy
- Michael Carroll
- Midway Fish Hatchery
- Mike Dunn
- Millard County
- Miller Brothers
- Millsite Dam Rehabilitation
- Millville City
- Mimbach Company
- Moab City
- Mona City
- Monticello City
- Morgan City Corporation
- Morgan Ranches Dairy
- Morton International, Inc.
- Monterey Properties
- Mountain Green Sewer Improvement District
- Mountain Vista Development
- Mountainview Landfill, Inc.
- Murry City Corporation
- Neola
- Nephi Rubber Products
- Nexeo Solutions, L.L.C.
- Next Level Homes
- NGL Supply Terminal Solution Mining, LLC
- Nielson Construction
- Noo Sun Dairy
- Norbest Inc.
- North Davis Sewer District
- North Pointe Solid Waste SSD
- North Star Ranch – JThomas Homes
- North Utah County Water Conservancy District
- Northern Utah Environmental Resource Agency (NUERA)
- Northrop Grumman Corporation
- Northwest Tank Lines, Inc. (Wyman Tansport, Inc.)
- NRP Jones, LLC
- Nucor Steel Utah
- Nuset Distribution Inc
- Oak City Corporation
- Oakley City
- Ogden Canyon DAI
- Ogden City Corporation
- Oil Re-Refining Company
- Oldcastle Infrastructure
- Olsen/Neihart, Royal Street Landfill
- Omni Development Properties
- Orem City
- Orem Water Reclamation Facility
- PacifiCorp Energy
- PacifiCorp Energy: Hunter Power Plant
- PacifiCorp Energy: Huntington Power Plant
- Pacific States Cast Iron Pipe Company (PSCIPCO) (McWane Ductile)
- Pacific West
- Panguitch City
- Paragon Medical
- Park City Municipal Corporation
- Parowan City
- Payson City Corporation
- Payson Power Plant
- Peak Industrial Services
- Peak Minerals, Inc
- Peck Rock and Products, LLC
- Penske Trucking Facility
- Pepperdign Homes, LLC
- Perry Homes, Inc.
- Perry/Willard Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Peterson Builders, Inc.
- Pitman Farms
- Plain City
- Plateau Mining Corporation
- Powder Mountain Water and Sewer Improvement District
- PPC Flexible Packaging LLC
- Price River Water Improvement District (PRWID)
- Procter and Gamble Paper Products Company (P&G)
- Prolific Mining Corporation
- Promontory Point Landfill
- Providence at Overlook
- Provo City
- Purehaven Homes, LLC
- Pyrenees Dairy
- QEP Resources
- Questar Exploration and Production Company (QEP)
- Questar Gas Services dba Dominion Energy
- R & J Construction
- R. N. Industries (RNI)
- Ralph L. Wadsworth Construction Company
- Rasmussen Feedlot
- Red Cliffs Lodge
- Red Leaf Resources, Inc.
- Regal Homes
- Reilly Industries (now Vertellus)
- RelaDyne West, LLC (dba Cardwell Distributing)
- Remco Subdivision – Pratt Dimond
- Renegade Oil
- Revolution Dairy Farm
- Revolution Fuels, LLC
- Reynolds Excavation
- Rich County Corporation
- Richmond American Homes
- Richmond City Wastewater Treatment Facility
- Rim Mine
- Rio Algom Mining LLC
- Riverton City
- Ronald McDonald House
- Ropie’s Dairy
- Roosevelt Land Investment
- Roy Fitness Center
- Ruby Pipeline, LLC
- Rulon Van Tassell Feedlot
- Salem City
- Salt Development, LLC
- Salt Lake City
- Salt Lake City Department of Airports
- Salt Lake County
- Salt Lake Valley
- Salvage Service Corporation
- Samuel Clegg Construction LLC
- Sand Hollow Groundwater Treatment Plant
- Sandy City
- Santaquin City
- Saratoga Springs
- Sawtooth NGL Caverns LLC
- Schreiber Foods
- Sierra Homes
- Shadow Cove Townhomes, LLC
- Silver Creek Water Reclamation Facility
- Silver Sage Villas
- Simplot Phosphates LLC
- Sinclair Trucking Company
- SKF Salt Lake City
- Skyline Ridge
- SLC II Development
- SLC Camber, LLC
- Smithfield Hog Production (formerly Circle Four Farms)
- Smooth Stone Homes
- Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District
- Solid Waste Management Special Service District #1
- South Davis Sewer District
- South Utah Valley Solid Waste District
- South Valley Sewer District
- South Valley Water Reclamation Facility
- Spanish Fork City
- Spanish Fork Wastewater Treatment Plant
- Spring City Corporation
- Spring Creek Subdivision
- Springdale (Town)
- Springville City
- St. George City
- Staker and Parson Companies
- Stansbury Park Improvement District
- Stericycle, Inc.
- Stockton (Town)
- Stone Castle Recycling
- Stone Creek Subdivision
- Strawberry Bay Recreation
- Summit County
- Sump and Trap Cleaning Inc.
- Sunnyside Cogeneration Associates (SCA)
- Sunscape Farms
- Sunstone Homes Inc.
- Sun Ray Dairy
- Sunroc
- SW Energy
- Swift and Company
- Synergy Company of Utah
- Syro Inc. (now Trinity Highway Products, LLC)
- Talisker Mountain, Inc. (and JSI Excavating)
- Tamara Mining, LLC
- Tarter Gate West
- Taylorsville-Bennion Improvement District
- Ted’s Service Station
- The Oil Mining Company, Inc. (TOMCO)
- Thiokol (ATK Launch Systems)
- Thomas J. Peck and Sons, Inc.
- Timpanogos Special Service District
- Tintic Consolidated Mining
- Tire Derived Fuel International
- TNT General Contractors, LLC
- TNT Waste Services
- Tooele Army Depot
- Tooele City Corporation
- Town of Stockton
- Trails Edge ESO
- Transwest Pick-A-Part
- Tremonton City
- Tri-State Oil Reclaimers
- Trinity Highway Products, LLC (formerly Syro Inc.)
- Tripple M D LLC
- Trueframe Construction
- Tyson Fresh Meats, Inc.
- Uintah Advantage
- Uintah Basin Railway, LLC
- Uintah County
- Uintah Water Conservancy District
- Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR)
- United States Army Corps of Engineers
- United States Gypsum Company
- UPDES Pesticide General Permit
- Uranium One Americas, Inc.
- US Bureau of Reclamation
- US Fish and Wildlife Service
- US Magnesium LLC
- Utah Alunite Potash Ridge
- Utah and Colorado Water Survey
- Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems
- Utah Auto Wrecking of St. George, LLC
- Utah Beef Producers
- Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT)
- Utah Division of Wildlife Resources
- Utah Iron, LLC
- Utah Land Resources (Formerly Genwal Resources Inc, West Ridge Resources Inc)
- Utah State Parks and Recreation
- Velvet Wood Mine
- Veolia ES Technical Solutions, LLC
- Vertellus (formerly Reilly Industries)
- Vobev Facilities
- Wadeland South Dairy LLC
- Wall 2 Wall Construction
- Waller’s Trucking Company
- Wasatch Integrated Waste Management District
- Washington County
- Waters Edge Properties
- Waterleaf Resources
- Wayne County
- Weber County
- Weber Valley Multi-use Youth Center
- Weir Minerals NA SLC-Rubber Engineering
- Wellsville City
- Western Energy Operating, LLC
- Western Kane County
- Westinghouse Electric Company (Western Zirconium)
- Westland Construction, Inc
- Wild Horse Ranch
- Williams Construction
- Willow Creek Companies of Colorado
- Willow Lakes Residential Project
- Winterton Trucking
- Wolf Pack Way
- WPR Development Company
- Wyman-Gordan Investment Castings/GSC Foundries
- N/A
- N/A
- N/A