Department of Environmental Quality

Small Business Environmental Assistance Program

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Many small businesses may not fully understand environmental regulations and may not have the resources to hire an environmental specialist. An entity of Utah’s Department of Environmental Quality, the Small Business Environmental Assistance Program (SBEAP) provides free support and guidance about environmental regulations to Utah small businesses (100 employees or less), and works with your business to improve its impact on the environment.

SBEAP also:

  • Advocates on behalf of small businesses
  • Assists with communication between your small business and DEQ
  • Offers permitting assistance
  • Provides workshops, webinars, and trainings
  • Mails out informational and informative printings upon request

The SBEAP is free and confidential.

Starting a New Business?

Steps to Success

  1. Request a consultation
  2. Pre-assessment
  3. On-site visit & consult
  4. Recommendations/compliance assistance

What SBEAP Can Do For You

Environmental Permits

Air Quality Permitting
Notice of Intent

If you need assistance with your NOI application, are changing the name of your business, or have purchased a new business and are changing the name, we can set up a pre-NOI meeting. For demolition of structure please contact the ATLAS section. For other permit related questions just reach out. We’ll help you navigate through all the steps.

Storm Water Permitting
Helping Keep Down Stream Clean

The Storm Water Program regulates stormwater discharge, including discharge from construction, industry and more from municipal separate storm sewer systems (MS4s). Remember, we all live downstream and if we spill chemicals, paints, waste, or sewage it will end up in Utah’s water.

Energy Conservation

The Governor’s Office of Energy Development offers various energy efficiency programs, resources and research for small businesses. They also offer commercial tax credits for alternative energy development, other renewables and well recompletion or workover.

Hazard Chemicals
Making A Safe Workplace

If your business handles a chemical or material that is flammable, corrosive, toxic or reactive then it is a hazardous material. We have compiled a list of forms and informational resources to help you comply with environmental regulations.

Compliance Assistance

Pre-Design Mentorship
Regulation Help From Start To Finish

If you are starting a new business or stepping into an existing business, DEQ can help. We will organize a meeting with Water Quality (storm water, sewage waste), Drinking Water, Hazardous Waste, Waste Management and Air Quality to answer questions about permitting and next steps.

Permit Assistance
Compliance & Permitting Information

Understanding how to be in compliance with the state for your business can be overwhelming. We’ll walk you through each division’s requirements and who you need to contact.

Advisory Panel
Small Business Compliance

Your connection to EPA and how its regulations and laws affect your business.

Business Resources

National SBEAP
Small Business Resources & Information

Section 507 of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments requires each state to establish a small business environmental assistance program (SBEAP) to assist with environmental compliance and emission reduction. This national website is a great resource for small business owners.

Tax Incentives
Renewables & Efficiency

Small businesses can save on their utilities by increasing their process operations and electrical efficiency. There are currently 55 different policies and incentives in Utah that can help you save money and reduce emission to the environment, while possibly changing your need for an air permit.

Grant Writing Assistance

A great grant for small business is the EPA pollution prevention grant. For other grant opportunities or advice on how to write your grant contact us to see how we can help.

Is my business considered a small business?

To qualify for assistance as a small business, the business must:

  • Have fewer than 100 employees
  • Release less than 75 tons per year of any combination of regulated pollutants.

I am starting a new business. How will my business affect the environment?

Depending on the chemicals you are using, if you are burning, using an engine, emitting pollution, etc. will help you determine the kind of footprint your business will have. Working together with DEQ, we can minimize your carbon footprint. We look forward to hearing from you and working alongside you and your business.

As a business owner, how do I know what environmental permits I need and how do I find the forms to fill out?

Permitting typically falls into the following categories: Air Quality, Indoor Air, Hazardous Waste, Drinking Water, Water Quality (including Storm Water or Waste Water), and Underground Storage Tanks. I can help you walk through each of these sections and help you achieve compliance.

Can you come to our site and teach a workshop on best management practices for hazardous waste management, storm water runoff, construction pollution, etc?

DEQ provides group training through workshops on general or industry-specific issues. Give us a call to set a training at your business today.

Does DEQ have guidance documents, emissions calculators and checklists for my business to operate more efficiently?

DEQ provides support tools to help you make compliance decisions and can assist you in finding those on our website.

See more questions asked by small businesses in our August 2020 blog …

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