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Air Quality Permitting

The Permitting Branch is responsible for issuing permits to commercial and industrial pollution sources in Utah. A New Source Review Approval Order (AO) is required if emissions of criteria pollutants are five tons per year or greater, or hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions are greater than 500 pounds per year for an individual HAP or 2000 pounds for all HAPS combined. Title V permits (Operating Permits) are required for major sources, incinerators, landfills, and acid rain (Title IV) sources.

Most AO’s issued since 2008 and all current Title V permits, all draft permits (ITA’s and Title V) currently in public comment, and a list of all permit applications (NOIs) currently being processed are available from the link below.

Other Air Permit Types


The information on this site is subject to periodic revision and is provided for the convenience of the public and regulated community and is not the official record of the agency.

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