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Smoke Management Program


  • Land managers use the web portal to register prescribed fires, request burn windows, and report emissions
  • Residential general burning by private citizens is addressed in a different program

Who Participates

Federal and state land managers conducting prescribed fire in Utah. Projects on private and municipal land that meet the definition of a prescribed fire also participate.

A prescribed fire is a planned ignition in accordance with applicable laws, policies, and regulations to meet specific objectives. A burn plan is required for each fire application ignited by management. Burn plans are documents prepared by qualified personnel, approved by the agency administrator, and include criteria for the conditions under which the fire will be conducted (a prescription). Plan content varies among the agencies.


Utah’s smoke program is designed to mitigate the impacts of prescribed fire on air quality, visibility, and public safety, in terms of smoke.

EPA has recognized Utah’s smoke program since 1999, as part of approving the Regional Haze SIP. The program is included in the code of federal regulations.

Before igniting a prescribed fire, land managers must meet requirements per the Utah Smoke Management Plan (2021) (2.8 MB).

Smoke on a hillside

Mitigation Measures

Actions to minimize impacts include:

  • Risk analysis of effects on populated areas
  • Public notification prior to burning
  • Burning when air dispersion is good
  • Site preparation to ensure efficient burning
  • Evaluation of smoke dispersion and transport
  • Use of non-burning alternatives where appropriate

Wildfire smoke

Smoke from wildfires is a major pollution source in Utah and can be hazardous to your health. Keep informed of current conditions and forecasts. The source of the smoke may be a wildfire in another state. Also see nationwide wildfire smoke impacts and recommended actions to protect yourself.

Last Updated:

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