- Historical development of the SIP.
- Last Amended: Early 1980s
- EPA Approved: Early 1980.
- Identifies statutory authorizations for development of the SIP.
- Last Amended: Early 1980s
- EPA Approved: Early 1980s
Section II: Review of New and Modified Air Pollution Sources
- New or modified sources of air pollution must submit plans to the Division of Air Quality and receive an Approval Order before operating.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s.
Section III: Source Surveillance
- Sources are required to submit reports of their emissions and operations.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
Section IV: Ambient Air Monitoring Program
- Includes a brief description of the purposes of the air monitoring program. For monitoring sites and other information, see the monitoring portion of the plan pertaining to each pollutant.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
- Very brief information regarding resources to carry out the State’s Air Quality programs.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
Section VI: Intergovernmental Cooperation
- Brief listing of federal, state, and local agencies involved in protecting air quality in Utah.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
Section VII: Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
- Brief description of plans to avoid reaching emergency levels of air pollution. Such levels have not been reached in Utah. More specific details are found in Administrative Rule R307-105-2.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
Section VIII: Prevention of Significant Deterioration
- Describes program to protect areas of the state where the air is clean.
- Last Amended: March 8, 2006
- EPA Approval: Pending
This section includes plans for all pollutants for which health-based standards for the air around us are in place. Each addresses a different pollutant, with an overview of historical developments, measured levels at various locations, strategies to control the pollutant, projections of population and pollutant growth in the future, contingency plans in case the control strategies fail, and a mobile source emissions budget.
Section IX.A: Particulate Matter
- Generally called PM10, for Salt Lake, Southern Davis, and Utah counties.
- Last Amended: July 3, 2002, Effective September 5, 2002
- EPA Approval: Published December 23, 2002 at 67 FR 78181
Section IX.A.11: PM10 Maintenance Plan Salt Lake County
- Maintenance Plan for Salt Lake County.
- Last Amended: December 2, 2015, Effective December 3, 2015
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.12: PM10 Maintenance Plan Utah County
- Maintenance Plan for Utah County.
- Last Amended: December 2, 2015, Effective December 3, 2015
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.13: PM10 Maintenance Plan Ogden City
- Maintenance Plan for Ogden City
- Last Amended: December 2, 2015, Effective December 3, 2015
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.21: PM2.5 State Implementation Plan Salt Lake City
- For Salt Lake, Weber, Davis, and portions of Box Elder and Tooele counties.
- Adopted: December 3, 2014
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.22: PM2.5 State Implementation Plan for Provo
- For Utah County.
- Adopted: December 3, 2014
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.23: PM2.5 State Implementation Plan for Logan
- For Cache Valley.
- Last Amended: December 3, 2014
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.27: PM2.5 Maintenance Provisions for Provo, Utah
- Air Quality Board Adopted: December 4, 2019
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.28: PM2.5 Maintenance Provisions for Logan, Utah-Idaho
- Air Quality Board Adopted: December 4, 2019
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.31: Serious Area PM2.5 SIP
- For Salt Lake Nonattainment Area
- Adopted: January 2, 2019
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.A.36: PM2.5 Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake City, Utah
- Air Quality Board Adopted: December 4, 2019
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.B: Sulfur Dioxide SIP
- For Salt Lake and portions of Tooele Counties.
- Last Amended: 1992; EPA Approval: 1994.
Section IX.B.6: Sulfur Dioxide Maintenance Plan
- Maintenance Plan for Salt Lake and portions of Tooele Counties.
- Last Amended: January 5, 2005
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.C.1-.5: Carbon Monoxide SIP
- Original implementation plan for Salt Lake, Ogden and 1984 plan for Provo-Orem.
- Last Amended: December 9, 1993
- EPA Approval: Approved.
Section IX.C.6: Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan for Provo, UT
- Carbon Monoxide Maintenance Plan Provo Area
- Last Amended: June 6, 2018
- EPA Approval: March 2, 2020
Section IX.C.7: Carbon Monoxide Salt Lake City Maintenance Plan
- Maintenance plan for Salt Lake City.
- Last Amended: October 6, 2004
- EPA Approval: Plan approved October 26, 2005
Section IX.C.8: Carbon Monoxide Ogden City Maintenance Plan
- Maintenance plan for Ogden City.
- Last Amended: November 3, 2004
- EPA Approval: Plan approved September 14, 2005 (Redesignated to attainment March 9, 2001)
Section IX.D.1: Ozone SIP for Salt Lake and Davis Counties
- Original Ozone plan.
- Last Amended: September 30, 1993
- EPA Approval: August 18, 1997
Section IX.D.2: Ozone Maintenance for Salt Lake and Davis Counties
- Ozone maintenance plan. Salt Lake and Davis Counties have had no violations of the standard in many years.
- Last Amended: September 9, 1998
- EPA Approval: EPA Approved the 2-9-97 maintenance plan and redesignated SL and Davis counties to attainment. The amendments of 9-9-98 are pending.
Section IX.D: 8-Hour Ozone Maintenance Provisions for Salt Lake and Davis Counties
- Ozone maintenance plan. Salt Lake and Davis Counties have had no violations of the standard in many years.
- Last Amended: January 3, 2007
- EPA Approval: Pending
- Moderate State Implementation Plan for the Northern Wasatch Front ozone Nonattainment Area including Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, and Weber counties.
- Last Amended: September 12, 2023
- EPA Approval: Pending
- The SIP for nitrogen dioxide is simply a very brief note that Utah has never exceeded the health standard.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
- The SIP for lead includes a historical examination of lead levels prior to the removal of lead from gasoline for vehicles.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
- For the Salt Lake and Provo Nonattainment Areas
- Last Amended: December 2, 2020
- EPA Approval: Pending
This section describes the vehicle emission inspection and maintenance programs operated by urban counties. Each part has appendices which are primarily documents prepared by the counties themselves and are not available on this site, though a list of appendices is included in the table of contents for each part.
Section IX.H.21 and H.23 Regional Haze Emissions Limits and Operating Practices
- Last amended July 6, 2022
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section IX.H.31 and H.32 Utah State Implementation Plan. Emission Limits and Operating Practices
- Emission limits and operating practices for ozone nonattainment areas including Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, and Weber counties.
- Last amended: September 12, 2023
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section X. A: General Requirements Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
- General Requirements for all counties.
- Last Amended: February 7, 2024
- EPA Approval: May 19,2021
Section X. B: Davis County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
- Davis County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
- Last Amended: February 7, 2024
- EPA Approval: February 14, 2006
Section X. C: Salt Lake County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
- Salt Lake County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
- Last Amended: October 6, 2004
- EPA Approval: Approved August 1, 2005
Section X. D: Utah County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
- Utah County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
- Last Amended: December 5, 2012
- EPA Approval: January 3, 2006
Section X. E: Weber County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
- Weber County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
- Last Amended: March 4, 2020
- EPA Approval: September 14, 2005
Section X. F: Cache County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program
- Cache County Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
- Last Amended: September 4, 2019
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section XI: Other Controlled Measures for Mobile Sources
- Transportation control measures.
- Last Amended: February 9, 2000
- EPA Approval: June 14, 2000
Section XII: Transportation Conformity Consultation
- Outreach activities when preparing state plans.
- Last Amended: May 2, 2007
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
Section XIII: Analysis of Plan Impact
- A very brief discussion of the expected impacts of the various plans
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
Section XIV: Comprehensive Emission Inventory
- Selected inventories of emissions from a variety of causes is presented by county location for 1977 and 1983. More current and detailed emission inventories are available. Inventory information also is discussed in the plans for each pollutant.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
Section XVI: Public Notification
- The plan to report monitored levels of emissions daily and annually.
- Last Amended: Early 1980
- EPA Approval: Early 1980s
- Plan to protect visibility, especially within the boundaries of the five national parks located in Utah and requiring protection under federal law. For further discussion, see the final recommendations of the Grand Canyon Visibility.
- Last Amended: December 1992
- EPA Approval: April 1997
- Further Information: Western Regional Air Partnership
Section XVIII: Demonstration of GEP Stack Height
- Analysis of the stack heights of various industrial sources of emissions to ensure that their emissions are adequately reduced and are not simply being “exported” to other locations by atmospheric conditions.
- Last Amended: 1992
- EPA Approval: 1994
- Further Information:R307-410-5
Section XIX: Small Business Assistance Program
- This is a description of plans for better coordination and communication with small businesses.
- Last Amended: December 18, 1992
- EPA Approval: N/A
- Further Information: DEQ’s Small Business Assistance Program
- Plan to improve visibility in national parks by reducing widely transported particles that cause haze.
- Last Amended: July 6, 2022
- EPA Approval: Pending
- Further Information:
Section XXI: Diesel Inspection and Maintenance Program
- A description of the diesel vehicle emission inspection and maintenance program operated by urban counties. A multitude of appendices are available only in paper.
- Last Amended:July 12, 1995
- EPA Approval: Pending
Section XXII: General Conformity
- This section expresses Utah’s compliance with federal requirements for general conformity, 40 CFR Part 51.851, by following 40 CFR Part 93. Part 93 is incorporated by reference under R307-115.
- Last Amended: October 4, 1995
- EPA Approval: November 19, 1999
Section XXIII: Interstate Transport
- When a new National Ambient Air Quality Standard (NAAQS) is promulgated, the Clean Air Act requires states to submit a State Implementation Plan (SIP) under section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) to address interstate transport of emissions that would affect nonattainment and maintenance areas in neighboring states. This SIP was written because new NAAQS for PM2.5 and 8-hour ozone were promulgated in 1997. This SIP meets the requirements of section 110(a)(2)(D)(i) of the clean air act.
- Last Amended: February 7, 2007
- EPA Approval: Pending
For more information or questions contact Becky Close ([email protected]), (801) 536-4013.