- Asbestos and Lead Fees (83.16 KB)
Includes Uniform Division Fees, Certification and Demolition Fees, and Asbestos and Lead Abatement Fees.
- Class V Inventory Review Fee: Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program
Injection well owner/operators of all Class V injection wells which are not authorized by a UIC permit must submit inventory information according to the State requirements.
- Fee Schedules (DEQ)
Current, pending, and archived fee schedules.
- Permit Application Fees: Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program
The UIC Program for Class I, III, IV, and V injection wells requires the remittance of permit application fees at the time the permit application is submitted.
- Permitting Fees: Air Quality
DAQ collects three kinds of fees in the permitting process.
- Radioactive Material Fees
- Shopping Cart: Drinking Water
Pay online for selected Drinking Water forms and applications.
- Tank Fees: Pay fees online, plus information on registration, PST Fund, Red Tag, and other tank fees.
- Temporary Relocation Authorization
DAQ is authorized to charge a processing fee for Temporary Relocation Authorization.
- Wastewater Operator Certification Fees
Effective: July 1, 2009.
- X-Ray Inspection Fees
Facilities are inspected and a fee is assessed at the time of inspection.
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