Department of Environmental Quality

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Class V Inventory Review Fee: Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program


The Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program for Class I, III, IV, and V injection wells requires owner/operators of all Class V injection wells which are not authorized by a UIC permit to submit inventory information according to the requirements of R317-7-6.3. Generally, Class V injection wells are authorized-by-rule (ABR), a determination that is made by UIC staff only after reviewing the information submitted on the UIC Inventory Information Form.

When Will the New UIC Class V Inventory Review Fee Become Effective?

On July 1, 2023, the UIC program will require the remittance of a one-time $230 inventory fee at the time of inventory submission for each subclass of Class V injection well at each facility location.

Why is There an UIC Class V Inventory Review Fee?

Class V injection wells include over 45 subclasses of wells. When an UIC Inventory Information Form is received, UIC staff enter the information into the UIC geodatabase and engage other relevant state and local regulatory personnel who may have shared regulatory authority over the injection wells to ensure that UIC program requirements are being met. A site inspection may be necessary before ABR status can be made. If it is determined that ABR status is warranted, UIC staff will prepare an ABR letter deliverable to the owner/operator which details the responsibilities of the owner/operator in operating a Class V injection well. If, however, it is determined that the injection will only be allowed to occur under a UIC permit, the inventory review fee will be applied toward the permit fee. The inventory review fee will cover staff time for performing these inventory processing activities.

To Remit Class V Inventory Review Fees

Online Credit Card Payment

To pay the UIC Inventory Review Fee online:

Electronic Submittal of UIC Inventory Information Form

UIC Inventory Information may be submitted using the:

Reference the User Guide for detailed instructions on submitting inventory information using the UIC Class V Injection Well Inventory Submission Web Application.

Please contact Porter Henze ( if there are any questions or issues with the online inventory submission web application

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