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Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

Important Changes

As mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated regulations establishing minimum requirements, technical criteria and standards for Underground Injection Control (UIC) programs to protect underground sources of drinking water (USDW) from endangerment by subsurface emplacement of fluids (40 CFR Parts 144-148) into UIC wells. The Utah Bureau of Water Pollution Control (BWPC), now the Utah Division of Water Quality, received primacy from EPA on February 10, 1983 to administer the program in Utah under section 1422 of the Safe Drinking Water Act for Class I, III, IV and V wells (the Utah 1422 UIC Program).

In Utah, the UIC program under section 1425 of the Safe Drinking Water Act for Class II injection wells (the Utah 1425 UIC Program) is administered by the Utah Division of Oil, Gas and Mining. Please contact John Rogers ([email protected]) (801) 538-5349 for information regarding Class II injection wells in Utah.

Facilities regulated under the Utah 1422 UIC Program are permitted by rule under the Utah Ground Water Quality Protection Program. See R317-6-6.2(A)(8) of the Utah Administrative Rules for Ground Water Quality Protection (R317-6). No facility permitted by rule, including facilities regulated under the UIC Program, may cause ground water quality to exceed the ground water quality standards in Table I of R317-6, nor may they cause the ground water quality to exceed the ground water class Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) limits of the receiving ground water as set forth in Sections R317-6-3.1 to R317-6-3.7. See R317-6-6.2(B).

Contact Porter Henze ([email protected]) with questions or comments about this content.

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