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Cooperative Monitoring Program

The Cooperative Monitoring Program is intended to enhance DWQ’s water quality monitoring program by extending its capabilities to monitor waters of the state. Agency partners include state, local, and federal agencies that also have responsibilities of protecting surface water quality. By sharing costs of sample collection and laboratory analysis, DWQ and agency partners are able to efficiently utilize resources to accomplish mutual goals and objectives of surface water quality protection.

Monitoring Materials

Printable Forms

Templates For Data Submission

  • Bacteriological Data Template
    Excel template for formatting surface water total coliform and Escherichia coli sample results
  • Field Data Template
    Excel template for formatting surface water quality field measurements including flow and chemical parameters

Cooperator Data Submission

  • Cooperative Monitoring Sampling Data Upload Form
    Online data submission form for submitting Cooperative Monitoring Program Data. You will be asked to include the type of data (e.g., hydrodata, calibration reports, 
    E. coli bench sheets, trip sheets, etc.) and your project information with your data submittal. Please note any data submitted using this form should have a DWQ-approved Sampling Plan on file in order to be processed.

Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs)

Due to diverse monitoring and assessment projects at DWQ, specific details for each environmental monitoring project will be outlined in project-specific Sampling and Analysis Plans (SAPs). Development and implementation of an SAP is required for all DWQ projects that produce environmental data, no matter how small or limited in duration. SAPs will be prepared before environmental data collection begins and may be revised during the life of a project. An SAP may be written for a specific project, for activities at a specific sampling site, or for activities falling under a larger monitoring program.

Project-specific SAPs must align with DWQ’s Quality Assurance Program Plan, and should address key elements of the EPA’s Guidance for Quality Assurance Project Plans, EPA QA/G-5 (USEPA, 2002). A project-specific SAP should address the purpose of monitoring, data quality objectives, frequency of sample collection, sample types, collection methods, analytical methods, sample handling, chain of custody, quality assurance requirements, assessment and review, record keeping, data handling, data storage, and project team roles and responsibilities. Please refer to DWQ’s SAP checklist for a formal list of SAP requirements. Project-specific SAPs will be reviewed and approved by DWQ before project implementation.

Additional Resources and Guidance


Ellen Bailey ([email protected])
Cooperative Monitoring Program Coordinator

Last Updated:


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