Department of Environmental Quality

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Water Quality American Rescue Plan Act Funds (ARPA)

State Appropriations

During the 2022 session, the legislature appropriated ARPA funds for three groups of water quality projects that will be administered by the Department of Environmental Quality or the Utah Water Quality Board: 1. Southern Utah – Recycle/Reuse, 2. Utah Lake Preservation, and 3. West Weber Site Sewer Infrastructure.

Southern Utah – Recycle/Reuse Grant $15,000,000

This is a competitive grant program for wastewater reuse projects in Southern Utah with priority for projects that mitigate the impacts of drought in rural communities and the agricultural sector. Applications are due by October 17, 2022.

Other Water Quality ARPA Funding

Utah Lake Preservation Fund $30,000,000

This competitive grant program will fund water quality improvements in Utah Lake and its watershed, including wastewater upgrades (beyond current requirements), stormwater improvements, agricultural nonpoint source as well as in-lake water quality improvements. A portion of the funds will also be used for outreach and education activities and to establish a water quality trading program for Utah Lake. DEQ and partners are working on criteria for the competitive grant program and plan to collaborate with legislators to ensure funds meet legislative intent.

Grant applications are currently anticipated to be accepted starting Fall 2022.

West Weber Site Sewer Infrastructure $5,000,000

The West Weber Mega Site is a 6,000-acre master-planned Utah Certified Mega Site. The anticipated impact of this site in the next 20 years is approximately 25,000,000 sq. ft. of industrial/commercial space, 25,000 new jobs, 7000 units of adjacent workforce, mixed use, and diverse housing, and $784 million in new state revenue, with $63 million generated in the first five years.

The site has water, utilities, and ongoing road infrastructure improvements, but inadequate sewer infrastructure. A total of $20,000,000 will be invested in Weber County to expand and upgrade the current sewer system.

Weber County will appear at a Water Quality Board meeting to request authorization of funds as an eligible project under the ARPA Final Rule.

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