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Antidegradation Reviews – Water Quality

The central goals of the Clean Water Act and the Utah Water Quality Act are to protect, maintain, and restore the quality of Utah’s waters. One way in which this is accomplished is through Utah’s water quality standards, which consist of:

  • designated uses (e.g., aquatic life, drinking water, recreation)
  • water quality criteria (both numeric and narrative)
  • antidegradation policy

Antidegradation Policy and Procedures

The intent of Utah’s antidegradation policy (UAC R317-2-3) is to protect existing uses and to maintain high-quality waters.

Degradation of the water quality of waters designated to be of exceptional recreational or ecological significance (Category 1 or Category 2 waters) is prohibited Degradation of the water quality of all other waters of the state (Category 3 waters) is only allowed for discharges or activities considered important necessary for social and/or economic development. Furthermore, the degradation of Category 3 waters is allowed only after the least degrading, feasible option to minimize degradation is implemented.

Utah’s Division of Water Quality is required by Federal Code (40 CFR §131.12(a)) to develop an antidegradation policy and implementation procedures. The implementation procedures were developed through a collaborative process with the Water Quality Standards Workgroup  and the Water Quality Board was notified of the adoption of the implementation guidance document.

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