Expand the menus below to find the wastewater operator certification forms and fees scenario that best fits your situation.
I want to:
Apply for an exam
Download and open in Adobe Acrobat for full functionality.
See Exams page for complete details
How to apply
- Fill out the form (instructions on page 4)
- Pay the fee
- Include the FIRST 8 digits of your online payment order number in the form
- First-time applicants must also include a notarized Citizenship/Alien ID Certification
- Email all to wwopcert@utah.gov before your application due date (check due dates on the Exams page)
This combo form is for:
- NEW! Computer-based exams
- Must read handbook before applying
- Paper-based exams
- Mandatory classifications:
- Wastewater Treatment (I-IV)
- Collections (1-IV)
- Utah Small Lagoon System (I)
- Voluntary certification exams:
- Wastewater Laboratory Analyst (I-IV)
- Biosolids Land Applier (I-II)
- Plant Maintenance Technologist (I-III)
- Change in status
- Renewal with change in status
- Reinstatement with change in status
- Applying for reciprocity
Renew my certification
Do you also need to request a change in status?
Use the simple renewal form
Use the longer form
Download and open form in Adobe Acrobat for full functionality.
How to apply
- Have enough CEUs to qualify for renewal
- Fill out the form
- Pay the fee
- Include the FIRST 9 digits of your online payment order number in the form
- Email completed form to wwopcert@utah.gov
How renewal works
- Certificates are valid for 3 years
- They expire on Dec. 31 of the last year
- Operators considered in DRC (Direct Responsible Charge) must renew by the expiration date for the wastewater works to remain in compliance
- Expired/lapsed certificates must be “reinstated” (see Reinstatement section below)
This simple form is for:
- Renewal
- Reinstatement
Use the longer combo form for:
- Exam application
- Change in status
- Renewal with change in status
- Reinstatement with change in status
- Applying for reciprocity
Reinstate an expired certificate
Do you also need to request a change in status?
Use the simple Renewal Application form
Use the longer form
Download and open form in Adobe Acrobat for full functionality.
How to apply
- Fill out the form (instructions on page 4)
- Pay the fee
- Renewal fee + reinstatement fee
- Include the FIRST 8 digits of your online payment order number in the form
- Email completed form to wwopcert@utah.gov
How reinstatement works
- Expired (lapsed) certificates may be “reinstated” within one year after expiration
- All required CEUs must have been accrued before the certificate expired on December 31st
This simple form is for:
- Reinstatement
- Renewal
Use the longer combo form for:
- Exam application
- Change in status
- Renewal with change in status
- Reinstatement with change in status
- Applying for reciprocity
Change restricted status
Download and open in Adobe Acrobat for full functionality.
How to apply
- Fill out the form (instructions on page 4)
- Pay the fee
- Include the FIRST 8 digits of your online payment order number in the form
- Email completed form to wwopcert@utah.gov
How certificate status works
Restricted certificates will be issued if the applicant passes the exam, but lacks the experience or education required for a particular grade
Unrestricted certificates will be issued when an application and appropriate fee have been submitted showing the applicant meets minimum education and experience requirements.
Individuals required to be certified may operate a system with a restricted certificate of the required grade for up to 1 year for Class I & II facilities, or up to 2 years for Class III & IV facilities, provided an unrestricted certificate can be obtained at the end of the stipulated period.
This combo form is for:
- Change in status–Restricted to Unrestricted Certificate
- Renewal with change in status
- Reinstatement with change in status
- Exam application
- Applying for reciprocity
Apply for reciprocity from another state
Download and open in Adobe Acrobat for full functionality.
How to apply
- Fill out the form (instructions on page 4)
- First-time applicants must also include a notarized Citizenship/Alien ID Certification.
- Include a copy of current certificate
- You may need your wastewater supervisor’s participation (see instructions, page 4)
- Pay the fee
- Include the FIRST 8 digits of your online payment order number in the form
- Email completed form to wwopcert@utah.gov
How reciprocity works
A Utah certificate of reciprocity may be issued when an applicant holds a valid certificate issued by a certifying authority with equivalent standards and is currently employed in Utah. Otherwise, a “letter of intent to issue a certificate” may be issued.
This combo form is for:
- Applying for reciprocity
- Change in status–Restricted to Unrestricted Certificate
- Renewal with change in status
- Reinstatement with change in status
- Exam application
Fees & payment
Fee changes effective July 1, 2024
Computer-based exam
$50 + testing center fee (currently $106; rates set by PSI Exams)
Paper-based exam
Wastewater operator certificate renewal
Reinstate an expired/lapsed certificate
Reinstatement fee charged each month late, maximum of 3 months, + Renewal fee.
No reinstatement allowed more than 12 months late.
Change in status
Restricted to Unrestricted certificate
Reciprocity for certification from another state
Include the FIRST 8 digits of your order number in your application form!
Check, cash, or money order also accepted
(slower processing)
Need help?
- WWopcert@utah.gov
- (385) 600-9401 or (801) 536-4344
- FAX: (801) 536-4301
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Mail us
Wastewater Operator Certification
Division of Water Quality
P.O. Box 144870
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4870
Visit us
Division of Water Quality
Multi-Agency State Office Building (MASOB)
195 North 1950 West, DEQ 3rd Floor
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116