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Sewer Overflow and Stormwater Reuse Municipal Grants (OSG) Program

The DWQ has obtained grant funding for select stormwater projects through the Federal Sewer Overflow & Stormwater Grant Program (OSG). Applicants in financially distressed or rural communities (see Prioritization) will be prioritized. Projects must be stormwater projects which manage, reduce, treat, or recapture water through the use of green infrastructure. This money may not be used for any operation and maintenance expenses.

Project Eligibility Requirements


Municipalities and municipal entities (meeting 33 USC section 1362 definition) are eligible to receive these grant funds.


Projects must start within 18 months of being awarded and be substantially completed within 3 years.

Project Type

Projects must use green infrastructure to manage, reduce, treat, or recapture stormwater and the funded portion of the project must meet Green Project Reserve requirements.

Funding Match Requirements

Projects in non-distressed urban communities1 will be required to provide non-federal funding for 20% of the project.

The application for the OSG grant will be open from October 1, 2024, to 5 P.M. on January 17, 2025. Please review the OSG Grant Application Summary to view a list of the information required to complete the application. Due to the need to upload documents, applicants will need a google account to complete the form.

Other Information

Anticipated Schedule

  • January 17, 2025 – Application Submission Deadline
  • February 2025 – Proposal evaluation committee will meet to rank submissions.
  • March 14, 2025 – Top ranked projects will be contacted and invited to appear during the February Water Quality Board meeting.


To the extent there are sufficient eligible applications the following projects will be prioritized:

  • Projects in a financially distressed community2 will be reserved 10% of the funds.
  • Projects in rural (populations of 10,000 or less) communities will be reserved 15% of the funds.
  • Projects involving existing communities.

Application Scoring

Applications will be scored on the following elements:

  • Project is listed in the State’s Intended Use Plan
  • Community is financially distressed
  • Schedule and readiness to proceed (design, permits, commitments, etc.)
  • Demonstrated project need to assist in resolution of a current water quality issue
  • Anticipated water quality benefits for an existing water quality issue
  • Community benefit (public health, beautification, etc.)
  • Project feasibility
  • Cost vs. nutrient removal benefit (Grant $/lb removed)
  • Cost vs. other pollutant removal benefit (Grant $/lb removed)
  • Local project support/endorsement/cooperation
  • Part of a Stormwater Master Plan/Capital Improvement Plan

Examples of Acceptable Projects

Applications will be scored on the following elements:

Please review The EPA’s 2012 Clean Water State Revolving Fund 10% Green Project Reserve: Guidance for Determining Project Eligibility pages 5-6 to review example acceptable projects, as well as projects that do not qualify.


For more information on the OSG Grant Program, email your questions to: [email protected]. Please provide a contact name and phone number in your email so that staff may contact you.


1Non-distressed Communities: Are communities that have a population greater than 10,000 and the residential user rate is below 1.4% of the Modified MAGI.

2Financially Distressed Communities. To qualify, the estimated annual cost of sewer service for the average residential user must exceed 1.4% of the modified median adjusted gross income (Modified MAGI) as reported on the Division of Drinking Water’s website (R317-101-4).

Last Updated:


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