Welcome to the Utah Division of Water Quality Databases and Information page. Here you will find links and resources for a variety of water quality data.
AWQMS Information
The Ambient Water Quality Management System (AWQMS) database includes ambient water monitoring data collected by the Utah Department of Environment Quality and its partners.
Request an AWQMS User Account by completing this Request Form or sending an email to awqms@utah.gov.
Once you have obtained your User Account, please visit Utah’s AWQMS Portal to login to the database.
Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO)
DWQ permit information is currently available to the public through EPA’s Enforcement and Compliance History Online (ECHO) website. This tool can be utilized to search for permits and facilities to assess their compliance with environmental regulations. Under the “Quick Search” tab, you can search for permits or projects by address or Facility Name/ID.
Support Documents and Links
DEQ Interactive Map
This map application provides environmental data that is spatially searchable from each Division at DEQ. Each searchable data layer on the DEQ Interactive Map is also downloadable as a GIS shapefile or a data table format.
Training videos can be found in the upper right-hand corner of the map. Look for the Water Quality tab for training videos specific to the Water Quality data layers.
Division of Water Quality Layers
- Assessed Lakes (locations only)
- Assessed Waters (lakes and streams)
- Groundwater Permits
- Mercury in Fish Tissue
- Monitoring Locations
- UPDES Dischargers
- Underground Injection Control Permits
- Hydrologic Units (HUC8)
Division of Environmental Response & Remediation Layers
- Environmental Incidents*
*This layer is managed by another Division, however, it includes incidents that may affect surfaces waters of the State where the Division of Water Quality has taken the lead. This layer can be used to identify incidents spatially on a map.
For further details about an incident, the ‘Event Name’ can be used as search criteria in the DEQ Environmental Incidents Database to obtain a full ‘Spills Report’ of the incident. See Water Quality DEQ Environmental Incidents.
WQ Assessment Map
This map helps identify designated beneficial uses assigned to Utah waters including domestic drinking water, agricultural use, aquatic life, and recreation. The map also provides the latest available Water Quality assessments based on the Final 2024 Integrated Report (including assessment category 5 or 303[d] waters), causes of impairments, and the affected beneficial uses.
Submit Sampling Data to DWQ
DWQ Cooperative Monitoring Program
Submit your monitoring data for the Cooperative Monitoring Program by completing our Sampling Data Upload Form. You will be asked to include the type of data and your project information with your data submittal. Please note any data submitted using this form should have a DWQ-approved Sampling Plan on file in order to be processed.
If you have any questions regarding data submission, please email awqms@utah.gov If you have any questions regarding the Cooperative Monitoring Program, please contact the DWQ Monitoring Section, see the DWQ Contacts page for contact information.
DEQ Environmental Incidents
This publicly-accessible database includes information about environmental releases that may affect Waters of State as reported to the Division of Water Quality.
To Determine if Water Quality Has Been Affected
Review/Export the Environmental Incident Report found in the Environmental Incidents database and ‘Water’ will be indicated as an ‘Impacted Media’ on the report. The ‘Notifications Made’ section will indicate if the Division of Water Quality was notified of the incident. The ‘Actions Taken’ section will provide a summary of actions taken for the incident and indicate if ‘no further action’ has been taken for an incident.
The reported incidents can be found spatially by searching the DEQ Interactive Map layer named ‘Environmental Incidents’ managed by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation.
Utah Continuous Water Quality Database
The Utah Department of Environmental Quality and our partners collect continuous data throughout the state, either through deployed data loggers or devices that live-stream water quality data. Please visit the Continuous Water Quality Data Dashboard to access this data.