Continuing education is required to maintain your wastewater certificate.
- For grades I and II, 2 CEUs are required for renewal.
- For grades III and IV, 3 CEUs are necessary.
Required CEUs must be earned during the 3 year period prior to the expiration date of the certificate.
All CEUs are subject to review and approval to ensure that the training is related to the duties of a wastewater operator.
Credit for a single training experience may be counted towards multiple certificates only if it is applicable to each type of certification.
The minimum credit that will be entered into the certification database is 0.1 CEUs. Credit will be given for actual training time over that minimum for each training event (which may consist of multiple topics.) Generally, 1 hour of specialized training = 0.1 CEU (policy revised 2/1/2011).
Additional training suggestions and resources may be found on the Exam Preparation page.