Department of Environmental Quality

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General Multi-Sector Industrial Storm Water Permit:
UPDES Permits

Industrial facilities such as manufacturing facilities, mining operations, landfills, steam electric plants, automotive recyclers, waste and metal recycling, larger wastewater treatment plants, and transportation facilities are typically required to obtain coverage under the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP) for Storm Water Discharges Associated with Industrial Activities. Coverage is usually based on the facility’s Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code or activities on site. A list of SIC codes that require coverage is provided in the Appendix I table below. Those who require coverage but do not have any materials or activities exposed to storm water may qualify for an exemption by filing a No Exposure Certification.

Apply Online for Permit Coverage in NeT MSGP

Use the online system to acquire permit coverage (NOI), exclusions (NEC or NDC), or terminations (NOT) and renew or make changes to existing permits. Below are help files for the most common tasks.

For assistance with your login or account setup, please contact EPA’s CDX Help Desk: (888) 890-1995

Permit Information

Permit Coverage and Help Files

Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Forms

Best Management Practices (BMPs)

Monitoring and Reporting Requirements

  • Storm Water Discharge Monitoring Report Form:

Program Contacts


Jeanne Riley ( 536-4369

Municipal Storm Water

Kelsee York ( 260-2760

Construction Storm Water

Jordan Bentley ( 552-0539

Industrial Storm Water

Jordan Bryant ( 272-4894

Stormwater Specialist

Carl Adams ( 382-6685

Storm Water Database (801) 536-4300

Last Updated:


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