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Utah’s Integrated Report

The Clean Water Act (CWA) requires states to submit a biennial, Integrated Report to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the quality of their surface waters. This report analyzes water quality data to determine if assessed waterbodies support their designated beneficial uses. These beneficial uses include drinking water, recreation, aquatic life, agriculture, and the Great Salt Lake. Waterbodies that do not support one or more of their designated beneficial uses are classified as non-supporting and placed on the CWA 303(d) list of impaired waters. The report guides the development and implementation of water quality plans (Total Maximum Daily Load plans, or TMDLs) that bring impaired waterbodies into compliance with state water quality standards.

Utah’s Integrated Report (IR) fulfills these requirements under the CWA. The report includes:

  • Water quality assessment methods used for the report
  • Summary of the overall condition of Utah’s waters and significant water quality threats to their beneficial uses (305(b) report).
  • Impaired waters that fail to meet water quality standards or are 303(d) list).

The CWA requires a formal public comment period on the IR before submission to the EPA. Upon completion of this comment period, the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) submits the report, public comments, and its response to comments to EPA for approval. EPA reviews the report to ensure that assessments were based on all existing, credible, and readily available data and each assessment is legally and scientifically justified. EPA can approve or deny the 303(d) list.

Where are we in the IR Process?

In the timeline, below, 2024 IR is pointing at the “Draft IR” stage and 2022 is pointing at the “Final IR” stage

2024 IR

303(d) methods

Call for Data

Draft IR

Final IR

Final 2024 Integrated Report

The Final 2024 Integrated Report has been published on the webpage linked below. The Final 2024 Integrated Report has been submitted on April 1st 2024 to the EPA and is awaiting approval. The 30-day public comment period for Draft 2024 Integrated Report began on February 15, 2024 and ended on March 15, 2024. This report includes the Assessment Methodology, 305(b) assessment report and 303(d) list of impaired waters. A public comment period for the Assessment Methodology was previously held from October 24 to December 8, 2022. 

Most Recent EPA-Approved Report

Utah’s 2022 Integrated Report (IR) is the most recent EPA-approved version. The 2022 report is used to guide management decisions until it is replaced with the 2024 IR. The 2022 IR was submitted to EPA for review on February 8, 2022, and approved by EPA on March 8, 2022. Click the button below to visit the 2022 IR webpage, which includes an assessment map, the final report and approval letter, and associated data and comment files.

Integrated Report Archives

Utah’s Integrated Report on Water Quality is updated every two years and submitted to EPA for approval. View past reports, data files, public comments, approval letters, and more on the archives page.

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