Department of Environmental Quality

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Current Permits & Forms: UPDES Permitting Program

Expand the menus, below, to find information about Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) current permits and forms including resources, contact information, permit links, and supporting documentation.

Individual Permits

General Information

The prospective permittee will be required to obtain Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) Individual Permit coverage when the surface water discharge cannot be covered by a UPDES General Permit. This coverage is required by the Clean Water Act in an effort to protect our nation’s waters. In most cases, this will require the Division of Water Quality (DWQ) to run a Wasteload Analysis, which will evaluate the impact of the discharge on the receiving water body to ensure that the discharge will not have a negative impact on that water body. For more information on UPDES, see Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R317-8.

UPDES Individual Permits may include additional programs such as Pretreatment, Biosolids, and Reuse, if applicable.

The UPDES Individual Permit may include Pretreatment Requirements, or DWQ may issue a separate Pretreatment Individual Permit. For more information on Pretreatment, see UAC R317-8-8.  For additional information, contact Jennifer Robinson (

The UPDES Individual Permit may incorporate a Biosolids Permit, or DWQ may issue a separate Biosolids Individual Permit. For more information on Biosolids, see 40 Code of Federal Regulations 503 for the Disposal of Sewage Sludge (biosolids). For additional information, contact Daniel Griffin (

The UPDES Individual Permit may include Reuse Requirements, or DWQ may issue a separate Operating Permit to cover Reuse Activity. For more information on Reuse Requirements, see UAC R317-3-11. For additional information, contact Jennifer Berjikian (

UPDES Individual Permits located within the Colorado River Basin may also include additional requirements to further control salinity within the Colorado River Basin portion of Utah, as authorized in UAC R317-2-4. For additional information, contact Jeff Studenka ( or Jennifer Berjikian (

For additional information on UPDES Individual Permits, contact Danielle Lenz (

UPDES Permit Application Forms (New Permits and Renewals)

UPDES Industrial Permit Applications

UPDES Municipal Permit Application

Please submit application forms to your assigned Permit Writer. If no Permit Writer is assigned, please submit to Danielle Lenz, UPDES Individual Permit Section Manager, at

Current Permits

System Name: Permit and Supporting Documents

General Permits

Construction Dewatering or Hydrostatic Testing: UTG070000

Aquatic Animal Feeding Operations: UTG130000

  • General Permit –  Concentrated Aquatic Animal Feeding Operations: UTG130000 
  • General Permit – Concentrated Aquatic Animal Feeding Operations (CAAPF): Fact Sheet Statement of Basis 

Small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s): UTR090000

Drinking Water Treatment Plants: UTG640000

Treated Ground Water: UTG790000

UPDES Storm Water General Permit for Construction Activities: UTRH00000, UTRC00000

General Multi-Sector Industrial Storm Water Permit: UPDES Permits

401 Water Quality Certification Program

Last Updated:


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