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Funding for Nonpoint Source (NPS) Related Projects

Now Accepting Applications for State Nonpoint Source Funding

The Utah Division of Water Quality is currently accepting applications for State Nonpoint Source  grants with funding to be available on July 1, 2024. The Utah Water Quality Board allocates  $1 Million annually in hardship grant funds to reduce nonpoint sources of water pollution. Proposals must be submitted using the FY2026 Financial Assistance Application Form. The form can be used for all project types, including on-the-ground implementation, technical assistance, and information and education. Be as specific as possible in your application. Include your ability to document project effectiveness through monitoring before, during, and after project implementation.

This is a competitive application process and projects will be evaluated based on these considerations:

Applications this year will be scored based on their location in a Nonpoint Source Priority Area. See the Nonpoint Source Area map. Watersheds have been categorized into tiers with Tier 1 being highest priority and Tier 3 being lowest priority. Waters not within tiered areas are still eligible for funding, but may be scored lower. 

Contribution and Funding Guidelines for Nonpoint Source (NPS) Projects

  1. Irrigation Modernization Projects: NPS funding will cover up to 10% max of the total cost for irrigation modernization projects. Projects must demonstrate a direct and measurable link to improving water quality in a water of the state to qualify for funding.
  2. Animal Feeding Operations (AFO) Projects: The nonpoint source program is supportive of measures to improve water and waste management in AFOs. Given the large cost of these projects, applicants can expect maximum funding levels of up to $15,000 per project. Prospective AFO projects will need to provide a tangible water quality benefit to a water of the state in order to be considered for funding.  
  3. Project Relevance to Waters of the State: NPS funding will only be allocated to projects that establish a clear and direct connection to a water of the state, ensuring that funded activities contribute to tangible water quality improvements.
  4. Partner Contributions: Partner contributions are a key scoring criterion, with higher priority given to projects that leverage substantial partner investments or demonstrate strong collaborative support.
  5. Bank Stabilization Projects: Bank stabilization projects must incorporate measures to minimize the use of hard materials, such as rock, and prioritize revegetation and bioengineering techniques to enhance long-term ecological benefits and natural stability.
  6. Nature-Based Solutions: Projects that incorporate nature-based solutions, such as wetland restoration, riparian buffers, process-based restoration, or green infrastructure, will be prioritized over those relying on hard engineering approaches. These solutions should emphasize sustainable, ecosystem-friendly designs.
  7. Alignment with Watershed Plans: Projects that align with an approved watershed-based plan or Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) requirements will be prioritized over standalone projects. This ensures that funded activities address priority water quality issues at scale and contribute to strategic watershed goals.
  8. Annual Reporting: All approved projects will require annual reports as required by 2024 House Bill 335

Application Review Process

Once your application has been received, a multidisciplinary review team with the Utah Division of Water Quality and other partnering agencies will score and rank all of the projects. Not all applications will receive funding. Funding will be allocated according to project ranking. Partial funding for projects is possible in order to maximize the benefit of this program across the state.


Key Dates

  • 1/20/2025 – UDWQ will begin Accepting 319 Applications
  • 3/21/2025 @11:59pm – Deadline for applications
  • 4/11/2025 – Announcement of project selection
  • 4/25/2025 – Project Work plans due
  • 7/1/2025 – Grant agreements finalized.

FY2025 State Nonpoint Source Projects Approved for Funding

The Utah Division of Water Quality is pleased to announce the approval of FY2025 projects. The Utah Division of Water Quality received 55 applications with a total request of $3,096,346.57. A total of 31 projects were awarded funding.


Paul Burnett
Nonpoint Source Program Coordinator

[email protected]

Last Updated:



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