Category: Standards & Technical Support

  • Wasteload Analysis for Developing Permit Limits

    Introduction A waste load allocation (WLA) is the portion of a receiving water’s assimilative capacity that is allocated to one of its existing or future point sources of pollution. DWQ conducts a waste load analysis to calculate the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet water quality standards. Computer…

  • Supporting Documents for Rule Changes to Water Quality Standards

    Summaries are compilations provided to identify the specific date a rule change was proposed. Complete supporting materials are found in the specific date links below. Date Proposed to Water Quality Board

  • Standards and Technical Services Subworkgroups

    The Water Quality Standards Workgroup is seeking participants for subworkgroups to assist in drafting changes to Standards of Quality for Waters of the State. Any interested persons can participate. Current topics include: Narrative Standard and biological criteria, 401 Certifications, Antidegradation, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) Standards. For more information contact Chris Bittner ([email protected]). The outline…

  • Water Quality Standards

    Standards for Quality for Waters of the State are contained in UAC R317-2. The water quality standards are intended to protect Utah’s waters and improve the quality for beneficial uses. Beneficial uses include drinking water, fish and aquatic life, wildlife, agricultural, industrial, and recreational uses. Once the beneficial uses are established, criteria that are protective…

  • Standards Workgroup

    The WQS Workgroup members are volunteers selected so that different stakeholder perspectives are considered when standards are developed. Stakeholders who want to bring additional perspectives to the Workgroup are encouraged to work through a Workgroup member. Recommendations and opinions of Workgroup members are not binding nor is a Workgroup review required for changing standards. Ultimately,…

  • Antidegradation Reviews – Water Quality

    The central goals of the Clean Water Act and the Utah Water Quality Act are to protect, maintain, and restore the quality of Utah’s waters. One way in which this is accomplished is through Utah’s water quality standards, which consist of: Antidegradation Policy and Procedures The intent of Utah’s antidegradation policy (UAC R317-2-3) is to…

  • Triennial Review – Water Quality

    2023 Triennial Review DWQ has completed the 2023 Triennial Review of Utah’s Water Quality Standards. For the 2023 Triennial Review, DWQ performed a comprehensive review of all of Utah’s water quality policies and criteria, including a comparison of the state’s water quality standards to nationally recommended standards to identify and prioritize needed additions and updates.…

  • Guidance – Water Quality Standards

    Standards Support Documents

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