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Southern Utah Reuse ARPA Grant Program

The Southern Utah Reuse ARPA Grant program is a competitive grant program for wastewater reuse projects in Southern Utah, with priority for projects that mitigate the impacts of drought in rural communities and the agricultural sector. The Utah Division of Water Quality has announced the recipients of the Southern Utah Reuse ARPA Grant Program. A total of 12 projects have been approved by the Utah Water Quality Board for funding. 

The Utah Water Quality Board is administering this funding, and has authority to obligate these funds under the guidance given by the State of Utah Legislature and in accordance with Department of Treasury Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds Final Rule (Final Rule) effective April 1, 2022. The Final Rule states funding may be granted under ARPA to projects meeting the eligibility requirements of the Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF).

Project Eligibility Requirements


To be eligible, the assistance agreement must be to a municipality, inter-municipal, interstate, body politic, or state agency.


A project must be constructed within the Central, Southwest, San Juan, or Southeast Health Department boundaries but outside the Great Salt Lake Watershed.

Project Type

The project must be for reusing or recycling of wastewater. This includes, as part of a reuse project, the purchase and installation of treatment equipment that will meet reuse standards. Other eligible projects include, but are not limited to, distribution systems to support effluent reuse, including piping the effluent on the property of a private consumer, recharge transmission lines, injection wells, and equipment to reuse effluent.

Local Contribution

All projects over $150,000 must include a minimum local contribution of at least 30%. Local contribution may be made in many ways and can include work for the project already completed such as land purchase or engineering design work.

Other Information


October 17, 2022

Application Submission Deadline

November 2022

Proposal evaluation committee will meet to rank submissions.

November 23, 2022

Top ranked projects will be contacted and invited to appear during the December Water Quality Board meeting.

December 14, 2022

Water Quality Board meeting. During the meeting, a community representative will have the opportunity to present the project to the board. The board may obligate funds or ask communities to return during another meeting.

January 25, 2023

Water Quality Board meeting. If needed, during the meeting a community representative will have the opportunity to present the project to the board. The board may obligate funds or ask communities to return during another meeting.

Funds Disbursement Process

After funds are obligated, funds will be disbursed in accordance with the grant agreement signed by the Executive Secretary of the Water Quality Board.

If funding is obligated, recipients must spend or demonstrate sufficient progress to spend the funds by October 1, 2024, or the funds risk being re-obligated. Submission of stamped engineering plans and specifications and a reuse project plan by October 1, 2024, to the Division of Water Quality shall be viewed as sufficient progress. All recipients must spend the funds by December 31, 2026.


Questions and requests for assistance may be made to Andrew Pompeo of the Division of Water Quality at (385) 320-1057 or to [email protected].

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