Workgroups, Committees, and Councils
This page provides links to workgroups and associations that DEQ sponsors or is associated with that focus on specific topics of environmental concern.
Managing or Operating an Existing Public Drinking Water System
Bacteriologic and Chemical SamplesA minimum number of bacteriologic and chemical samples must be taken from your system. Samples must be analyzed by a waivers may be available for certain chemicals. Certified OperatorCertain water systems must have a certified operator. Conservation Plans—Utah Division of Water ResourcesSystems serving 500 or more connections must have a water management…
Water Quality Alliance
The Utah Water Quality Alliance (Alliance) was formed in 1994 to assist drinking water utilities in water quality optimization projects and in updates in new regulations. The main objective of the Alliance is a shared commitment to continuous enhancementof drinking water quality delivered to the community. The common goals are to work together to find…
Cooperative Monitoring Program
The Cooperative Monitoring Program is intended to enhance DWQ’s water quality monitoring program by extending its capabilities to monitor waters of the state. Agency partners include state, local, and federal agencies that also have responsibilities of protecting surface water quality. By sharing costs of sample collection and laboratory analysis, DWQ and agency partners are able…
Advisory Committee: Utah State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
The SERC established an advisory committee to allow for a greater diversity of input into SERC decisions. As provided by Utah Administrative Rule R698-5-3 the State Hazardous Chemical Emergency Response Commission Advisory Committee’s duties are to provide direction to the SERC in the following matters: SERC Advisory Committee Members January 20, 2019 Sector Name Company…
History, Duties, and Activities: Utah State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
History In 1986 Congress, in response to a chemical disaster in Bhopal, India and a series of smaller chemical incidents in the United States, enacted the Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA). The objectives of EPCRA are to: In response to EPCRA planning requirements, The 1987 Utah legislature enacted the Hazardous Chemical Emergency Planning…
Utah State Emergency Response Commission (SERC)
In response to EPCRA planning requirements, the Utah legislature enacted the Hazardous Chemical Emergency Planning and Information Act, which established the “Hazardous Chemical Emergency Response Commission” and authorized the Commission to carry out all EPCRA requirements. The Commission is composed of representatives from the Utah Department of Public Safety, and the Department of Environmental Quality.…
Prior Meetings: Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel Prior Meetings
Jump to: 2017 2016 2015 2017 Meetings April 5, 2017 Agenda June 14, 2017 Agenda 2016 Meetings March 16, 2016 Agenda November 30, 2016 Agenda 2015 Meetings March 17, 2015 Agenda July 8, 2015 Agenda October 21, 2015 Agenda For more information, contact the DEQ at (801) 536-4000.
Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel
Utah Law establishes a Small Business Compliance Advisory Panel (CAP) to advise and monitor Air Quality’s Small Business Environmental Assistance Program. Small Business Environmental Assistance Programs (SBEAP) help small businesses and other assistance providers access environmental compliance and sustainable practices information. We offer free and confidential assistance and can act as your small business advocates…