Bacteriologic and Chemical Samples
A minimum number of bacteriologic and chemical samples must be taken from your system. Samples must be analyzed by a waivers may be available for certain chemicals.
Certified Operator
Certain water systems must have a certified operator.
Conservation Plans—Utah Division of Water Resources
Systems serving 500 or more connections must have a water management and conservation plan.
Construction Approval Process
The Division of Drinking Water must be notified before the construction of any new facility (e.g., storage tank, treatment facility, well source, or distribution system improvements). Construction must not commence until plan approval is obtained, and once constructed, the facility cannot be put into operation until an operating permit is obtained.
Consumer Confidence Report (CCR)
You may be required to send your customers an annual Consumer Confidence Report.
Cross-connection Control Program
A cross-connection control program must be in place. See R309-105(12) for the rule. For additional information, contact Gary Rager ([email protected]) at (801) 536-4200.
- Backflow Technician Certification—Class Schedule
- Certified Backflow Technician Testers (WaterLink)
Use the search bar or click column headers to sort.
Developing New Sources
Development of new water sources can be a challenging because a number of issues must be addressed. It is important that well drillers, consulting engineers, and groundwater consultants fully understand the review process.
Financial Assistance
Financial assistance for constructing new facilities may be available.
Fluoridating Drinking Water in Davis and Salt Lake Counties
Salt Lake and Davis counties have ordinances mandating the fluoridation of their drinking water supplies.
Rules Governing Operation, Maintenance, and Construction
These rules govern the operation, maintenance, and construction of any public drinking water system.
LabToState 2.1 | Installation Guide
To electronically submit drinking water sample results to SDWIS/XML Sampling for processing and permanent storage in a SDWIS/STATE database, the sample results must be formatted in XML documents. SDWIS/LabToState assists laboratories and primacy agencies with the formatting and validation of XML documents. (129MB)
Lead and Copper Sampling
Lead and copper sampling is required for community and non-transient non-community systems.
- Corrosion Control Monthly Report (105 KB)
Systems that treat for corrosion control must fill out a Monthly Report. - Lead and Copper Forms
Must be filled out and returned to DDW along with copies of the analytical results. - Lead in Day Care Facilities
EPA’s Sampling for Lead in Drinking Water in Nursery Schools and Day Care Facilities. (7MB) - Lead in Our Drinking Water
A brochure explaining how lead gets into our drinking water. - Lead in School Drinking Water
A maintenance checklist. - Lead in Schools
EPA’s Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Non-residential Buildings (4MB) - Lead in Utah
Current information.
Monthly Operational Reports
If you treat your water, monthly operational reports must be sent to the Division of Drinking Water.
Public Notice
If a system fails to meet monitoring or quality requirements, it will be required to give public notice. There are templates that may help.
Quality Standards
The water delivered to customers must meet certain quality standards.
Source Protection Plan
A source protection plan may be required for each source.
Technical Assistance
Non-governmental technical assistance is available through various local professional organizations.
- American Water Works Association—Intermountain Section
Advances public health, safety, and welfare by uniting the efforts of the entire water community. - National Drinking Water Clearinghouse
Provides on-line resources for water suppliers. - Rural Water Association of Utah
RWAU works with DDW and other industry leaders to promote and maintain the Water/Wastewater Agency Response Network. - Utah Water Quality Alliance
A group of Utah water suppliers working to optimize the performance of surface water treatment plants. - Vulnerability Assessment
Some water systems are required to conduct a Vulnerability Assessment. All systems are encouraged to have an emergency response plan in place. In many areas of the state the possibility of earthquake damage must be realistically considered. - Well Approval Checklist
This list is valuable when constructing a new well.