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Capacity Development: Division of Drinking Water

The Capacity Development Program is a fundamental component of the 1996 Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments. The SDWA Amendments provide the framework for states and water systems to work together to protect public health.

Capacity Development is designed to promote financially viable, resilient drinking water systems capable of complying with the SDWA as well as meeting the challenges of Utah’s rapid growth. Water systems can perform a capacity assessment or conduct capacity development activities at any time to develop or improve their technical, managerial, and financial (TMF) capabilities. Small systems may especially benefit from implementing capacity development.

There are situations where a Capacity Assessment is required. All proposed or new water systems and systems seeking financial assistance must be evaluated to assess TMF capabilities.

Existing Drinking Water Systems

Existing drinking water systems can complete a capacity assessment by filling out the Excel spreadsheet.

Proposed or New Drinking Water Systems

All proposed public drinking water systems must prepare and submit a Capacity Assessment Business Plan to the Division for review. The Capacity Assessment Business Plan is described in Drinking Water Rule R309-800-5(4).

Newly identified drinking water systems that meet the requirements for regulation by the Division must submit completed Capacity Assessment Worksheets and financial information sheets described above or a Capacity Assessment Business Plan (whichever is more appropriate to the system’s situation) to the Division for review and approval before an operating permit will be issued. Please contact the Division’s Capacity Development Coordinator at (801)536-4200 to discuss which method is appropriate to your specific situation.

Visit the New Public Water Systems page for additional information on creating a new public drinking water system.

Drinking Water Systems Seeking Financial Assistance

All drinking water systems applying for construction assistance through the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) Program must complete the Capacity Assessment worksheets and submit them to the Division for evaluation.

The Capacity Assessment Worksheets and financial information forms are included in the Capacity Assessment Worksheets for Public Water Systems . SRF Applications will not be considered by the Drinking Water Board until these pages are complete.

Program Reporting

Utah’s Capacity Development Program is required to submit an annual report to the US Environmental Protection Agency by September 30th each year describing its efforts and successes implementing the program. Visit the Report to EPA on the Capacity Development Program for the State of Utah, SDWA Section 1420(b)(2) Report for Utah State Fiscal Year 2023 to download the most recent Annual Program Report.

In addition, the Program must submit a report to the Governor’s Office documenting Capacity Development Program activities for the previous three fiscal years. Visit the Triennial Report to the Governor of Utah for Fiscal Years 2021 – 2023 for the most recent report.

Capacity Development Program Strategy

Utah’s Capacity Development Program Strategy document was updated in December 2022. The Strategy Document outlines how Utah’s Program will meet federal Capacity Development Program Guidelines to promote water system viability, resiliency, and compliance with SDWA requirements to protect public health for both new and existing drinking water systems.

Additional Program Information


Michael Grange ([email protected]) (801) 674-2563

Last Updated:

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