Department of Environmental Quality

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Lead and Copper Rule Revisions

Rule revisions

To reduce lead in drinking water, EPA introduced Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) which went into effect on October 16, 2024. 

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has released the Final Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) which goes into effect on November 1, 2027.


Nov. 1st, 2025 – Updated initial inventory due (only for systems on annual or biannual tap sampling schedule)

All water system deadlines

Financial assistance is available

Apply for reimbursement up to $100k, or go through State Revolving Fund (SRF) for more!

Inventory funding options

WATCH: Oct. 2023 Financial Assistance Webinar Recording

Choose from from one of two programs to get up to $100,000 or no-cost assistance!

Funding Option 1
Expedited Approval Funding

Who is eligible?

All Community and non-transient noncommunity public water systems

What kind of assistance?

Funding for up to $100,000 is provided as either 0% interest loans or grants. Systems are only eligible for grants if they meet the division’s hardship criteria.

Which program is the best fit?

If a water system has staff that can complete inventory investigation or is already working with a consulting firm this program may be a better fit.

Disclaimer: Submitting this application is NOT a guarantee that any funding requested will be provided. Systems who have received assistance through the small systems contractor assistance program or have previously received funding through the Expedited Funding will not be eligible for additional funding through this application. The Division of Drinking Water will review applications and make final decisions with regard to eligibility and award approval.

Funding Option 2
Small Systems Contractor Assistance Program

Who is eligible?

Community water systems serving a population <10,000

What kind of assistance?

No-cost assistance completing a service line inventory and replacement plan through Sunrise Engineering.

Which program is the best fit?

If a small community water system is at the beginning stages of the inventory processes, or needs help with field investigation, mapping software, or next steps, this program may be a better fit.

Disclaimer: Assistance is limited by available funding and the time constraint of the LCRR compliance date of October 16, 2024. It is the goal of the Division and Sunrise Engineering to strive to assist as many water systems as possible within these constraints. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis. The Division will review applications and make final decisions with regard to priority.

Hardship criteria info

Water systems may be eligible for grant funding if they meet the Divisions hardship criteria in all or part of the system’s service area. 

  • The system as a whole, can be eligible for principal forgiveness if it meets either of the following criteria: 
    • The estimated average water bill exceeds 1.75% of the local median adjusted gross income (MAGI) 
    • The system MAGI is at or below 80% of the state MAGI
  • If systems do not qualify for disadvantaged funding above, they may be eligible for grant funding for a portion of the service area. This eligibility is based on the EPA’s demographic index at the census block level. The demographic index is a combination of two socioeconomic factors: income and demographic data. To determine eligibility, use the Division’s web map. Blue areas correspond to census block groups at or above the 80th percentile for the demographic index. Funding allocated on this basis must only be used on work in the specific areas. Water systems can apply for multiple census blocks that meet the criteria in their service areas. Systems may receive a combination of grants and loans. The percentage of the award given as grants will be based on the percentage of connections located within disadvantaged census blocks.

Replacement funding options

We have funding allocated for service line replacements and help completing your inventory, through our State Revolving Fund (SRF).

Received less than $100k? More funding is available through SRF

If you have not reached the $100k cap from expedited funding, our State Revolving Fund (SRF) has more available.

If you have already submitted a final pay request, and still need additional funding please reach out to Andrea Thurlow at

Request an amendment be made for additional funding:

  • Email Andrea Thurlow at In the email:
    1.  Request an amendment to your current agreement for additional funding. 
    2. Provide an estimate of how much additional funding is needed. The max allowed under expedited funding is $100,000 which includes the work and pay requests already submitted. 

Reimbursed $100k?

If you have already been reimbursed $100k, you can apply for more from the State Revolving Fund (SRF).

To apply, download the application files from the State Revolving Fund (SRF) page and follow the instructions.

Simplified guidance is here

Everything you need to know about completing your lead service line inventory

screenshot of outreach toolkit website

Use our toolkit to communicate with your customers

Find templates for public notices, flyers, and customer letters in our Lead Service Line Inventory Outreach Toolkit

Submit your inventory

Inventory template

You must use our template. We are no longer accepting EPA’s template.

Template instructions

If your system has all non-lead, skip to the non-lead form below

To submit your inventory, you will need

  1. Waterlink account
  2. Utah ID account (set one up here)
  3. Portal access please include “Initial Service Line Inventory” in your request. (Approval can take time, please be patient. Remember Step 4!)
  4. Your filled-out inventory template file

How to submit using the portal

  1. Sign into the portal
  2. Fill in your water system details
  3. Attach your inventory file under “File Type”
    • Choose “Initial Lead Service Line Inventory” from the dropdown
  4. Submit!

Non-lead form

Submittals open now

  • Use if you have NO lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or unknown customer-owned AND system-owned service lines
  • Submittals are open now

Lead water line map

Use this map to browse available lead water line info from water systems across Utah. 

What’s on the map

Water systems serving less than 50,000 people

Their data is displayed directly on this map.

Water systems serving 50,000+ people

Their data is linked from the map, if they have provided us a link.

Missing water line data?

If information about your water line is not available on the map, you can find contact info for your water system here to reach out to them directly.

How to search for your address

  1. Click on the down arrows icon in the upper right corner of the map
  2. Then, click on the magnifying glass icon that appeared below the arrows
  3. Enter your address in the search bar
  4. Click on the shape over your location on the map to see more details, including links to any info your water system has provided us


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Do I need to sample schools and childcare facilities?

Under Utah state law, all public and private schools were required to sample for lead in drinking water by December 31, 2023. Through the Lead-Free Learning Initiative, the Division of Drinking Water is working directly with schools to assist with sampling, funding, and remediation efforts. This program has stricter requirements than what is currently under the LCRI. This statewide program exempts schools from sampling under the LCRI. All sample data collected under this program can be found on Waterlink

Childcare facilities are not required to test under the state program, however their participation is encouraged. Any childcare facility which does not participate in the state program will be the responsibility of water systems under the LCRI. Water systems will be required to submit to the Division a list of each school and child care facility they serve by November 1, 2027. Then, the  LCRI will require water systems to conduct testing at all childcare facilities within a five year period.. This document explains how Utah’s requirements compare to EPA’s

Lead service line inventory

What are the public notice requirements?

30-Day Public Notification

Water systems must provide notification to all consumers 30 days after submitting a service line inventory, with a service line identified as the following materials:

  • Lead
  • Galvanized requiring replacement (GRR)
  • Unknown

For more information on the required public notification including templates, visit our communication toolkit website. Water systems have until July 1st, 2025, to submit a certificate of delivery for the public notification to DDW.

Who has to complete a service line inventory?

All community and non-transient non-community (NTNC) systems must complete a service line inventory of their entire service area for both portions of the service line. Systems with any lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown service lines must include a location identifier (street address, and/or GPS coordinates), the material classification, ownership status, and each lead, galvanized requiring replacement, or lead status unknown service line in their inventory. DDW’s Inventory Template is available now, and will be the only inventory template accepted. Water systems can access this template under “submit your inventory” on the main page. If you have been using the EPA’s inventory template, please copy over your inventory into DDW’s template.

What if my system does not have lead pipes? 

Systems that can verify they have all non-lead service lines can submit a Non-Lead Form. Systems will need to list the number of service lines and describe in detail the methods used to make the service line material determination. Systems will still need to have their detailed inventory internally. Keep in mind that additional inventory requirements will be implemented starting on November 1, 2027 following the publication of the LCRI

How does a system identify a non-traditional service line?

Most likely non-transient non-community public water systems have non-traditional service lines. For systems with a single service connection that consists of a source plumbed into a building, the pipe that runs from the source into the building is the service line and the material needs to be identified. If there are additional buildings plumbed to the system, the in-ground pipe material that serves each building must be identified as well.

How can a water system encourage homeowners to assist in complying or determining the service line material? 

The water system can send out a survey, provide rebates, and educational materials encouraging their consumers that it is in their best interest to identify their service line.

For more guidance please see DDW’s Lead Service Line Inventory Outreach Toolkit.

Does a water system have to show an inventory for both the city-owned side and the customer side? 

YES!  Under the LCRR, all community and Non-Transient Non-Community water systems must identify the material of the entire service line in the distribution system regardless of ownership. The entire service line can be identified using the following table: 

Table: Classification of Entire Service Line when Ownership Is Split

System-Owned PortionCustomer-Owned PortionClassification for Entire Service Line
LeadGalvanized Requiring ReplacementLead
LeadLead Status UnknownLead
Non-lead and never previously leadNon-lead, specifically galvanized pipe materialNon-lead
Non-leadNon-lead, material other than galvanizedNon-lead
Non-leadLead Status UnknownLead Status Unknown
Non-lead, but system is unable to demonstrate it was not previously LeadGalvanized Requiring ReplacementGalvanized Requiring Replacement
Lead Status UnknownLeadLead
Lead Status UnknownGalvanized Requiring ReplacementGalvanized Requiring Replacement
Lead Status UnknownNon-leadLead Status Unknown
Lead Status UnknownLead Status UnknownLead Status Unknown
Source: Exhibit 2-3 of Guidance for Developing and Maintaining a Service Line Inventory (USEPA, 2022)

Are lead connectors required to be inventoried? 

No, lead connectors are not required to be inventoried under the current LCRR, but do need to be replaced when encountered during planned or unplanned infrastructure work, including goal-based or mandatory service line replacement triggered under the LCRR. We recommend taking inventory of connector materials while filling out the service line inventory for your records. 

However, per the final EPA Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI), water systems would be required to include connector material in the lead service line inventory by November 1st, 2027.

What is a galvanized requiring replacement(GRR) service line? 

A service line will be defined as a “galvanized requiring replacement” (GRR) if it was at any time downstream of a lead service line or is currently downstream of a “Lead Status Unknown” service line. It is possible Water systems may not have records that indicate whether or not galvanized service lines have ever been downstream of lead. If this arises, a water system may determine that a galvanized service line does not require replacement (i.e., can be classified as non-lead) only if: No LSLs are found within the water system service area during the course of records review; There are no known records or knowledge of previous lead service line replacement programs; and No LSLs have been found during field investigations.

If a water system has classified galvanized lines as not requiring replacement based on the above criteria and discovers LSLs or lead upstream of a galvanized line at any point in the future, the water system must inform the Division within 30 days. The Division will work with the water system regarding further investigations or may classify similar galvanized lines as GRR.

If a water system is unable to demonstrate that all the above criteria have been met or cannot demonstrate through other methods detailed in this document for identification i.e. inspections, modeling, sampling, or anecdotal evidence it must presume there was an upstream LSL, and the galvanized line must be classified as “galvanized requiring replacement” per the LCRR. For more information, go to our methods guidance on how to identify GRR’s.

Nearly all systems will have unidentified or unknown service line materials. What action is required for unknowns? 

Customers must be notified within 30 days of their initial inventory being submitted, that their service line has Lead Status Unknown service line materials.

Do I need to include service lines that are no longer in use in the inventory? 

Yes, all potable service lines must be included in the inventory. As long as the service line remains connected to the system, even if it is not in use (for example, vacant or abandoned buildings).

Do I need to make the lead service line inventory publicly available? 

Yes, service line inventories must be publicly accessible and provide a location identifier (street address, customer number, block, intersection, landmark, or other geographic marker) for each lead or galvanized service line downstream of the lead pipe requiring replacement. 

If your system serves more than 50,000 people, you must make your inventory publicly available online. To meet this requirement, you may use your website, cloud-sharing applications, or social media. Systems serving less than 50,000 people that do not have their inventory online must make copies of the inventory available for review upon request.

Systems that only have non-lead service lines in their inventory do not need to make their inventory publicly available, and instead may provide a written statement that there are no lead or galvanized service lines requiring replacement. The written statement must include a description of the source(s) of information used to make this determination.

Are all water systems required to submit a lead service line replacement plan(LSLR)? 

No, only public water systems with lead, galvanized requiring replacement (GRR) service line, or lead status unknown service lines in their distribution system must complete and submit a LSLR plan by November 1st, 2027. The LSLR plan is intended to help systems comply with the lead service line replacement requirements of the LCRI and to ensure systems have a strategy for identifying lead status unknown service lines.

Can I start removing lead service lines before the LCRI replacement compliance date? 

Though not required, water systems may choose to proactively remove lead or galvanized-requiring-replacement lines that are known to exist or are encountered during inventory investigations prior to the LCRI replacement compliance date. We encourage this practice when possible, but water systems should follow best practices when completing a service line replacement:

  • Notifying the customer of the replacement. If service line ownership is shared, explain that the system will replace the portion of the line it owns and offer to replace the customer-owned portion. Note: The system is not required to pay for replacing the customer-owned portion of the service line.
  • Completing a full lead service replacement, when possible. Partial replacements may cause short-term elevations in drinking water lead concentrations.
  • Provide the customer with a pitcher filter and enough filter replacements for six months.
  • Provide instructions to the customer about service line flushing after the replacement.
  • Offer to sample the home for lead 3-6 months after the replacement.
  • Remove lead goosenecks, pigtails, connectors when encountered.

When is the replacement plan for Lead and galvanized requiring replacement service lines due?

The service line replacement plan is due by November 1, 2027.

Once our inventory is submitted, will we have to put a service line replacement plan into action? 

Replacement plans will be due by November 1, 2027. 

What is the difference between the SSAP and Expedited Approval Funding programs? 


Lead service line replacement

Are all water systems required to submit a lead service line replacement plan(LSLR)? 

No, only public water systems with one or more lead, galvanized line requiring replacement (GRR), or lead status unknown service lines in their distribution system must complete and submit a LSLR plan. The LSLR plan is intended to help systems comply with the lead service line replacement requirements of the LCRR and to ensure systems have a strategy for identifying lead status unknown service lines.

Can I start removing lead service lines before the LCRR compliance date? 

Though not required, water systems may choose to proactively remove lead or galvanized-requiring-replacement lines that are known to exist or are encountered during inventory investigations prior to the LCRI. We encourage this practice when possible, but water systems should follow best practices when completing a service line replacement:

  • Notifying the customer of the replacement. If service line ownership is shared, explain that the system will replace the portion of the line it owns and offer to replace the customer-owned portion. Note: The system is not required to pay for replacing the customer-owned portion of the service line.
  • Completing a full lead service replacement, when possible. Partial replacements may cause short-term elevations in drinking water lead concentrations.
  • Provide the customer with a pitcher filter and enough filter replacements for six months.
  • Provide instructions to the customer about service line flushing after the replacement.
  • Offer to sample the home for lead 3-6 months after the replacement.
  • Remove lead goosenecks, pigtails, connectors when encountered.

When is the replacement plan for Lead and galvanized requiring replacement service lines due?

The service line replacement plan is due 3 years after the Lead and Copper Rule Improvements is finalized.

If the customer has lead or galvanized on their side of the meter who is responsible for replacing the line? 

The water system is responsible for alerting customers of the material of their service line. Replacement of service lines must be done as full replacements, so the water system and customer will need to replace both sides of the line at the same time. The rule does not require water systems to cover the cost of the customer side of the line, however, full replacements are required. The division has funding available to assist with replacement costs and incentives for customers to replace their lines when that time comes.

Once our inventory is submitted, will we have to put a service line replacement plan into action? How many service lines would need to be replaced per year? 

Replacement plans will be due three years after the LCRI is finalized. Once the LCRI is finalized, we will better understand all the requirements needed for completing a replacement plan.

Funding and technical assistance

What funding and technical assistance is available to help a water system complete a service line inventory? 

Small Systems Assistance Program (SSAP)

We are accepting applications from small community water systems (≤10,000 population served) that seek assistance from our contractor, Sunrise Engineering. This program is for assistance completing the Service Line Inventories and/or Lead Service Line Replacement Plans required under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR). We will pay the contractor directly, so no payment or reimbursement is required of the water system. 

Expedited Approval Funding

The Drinking Water Board has approved an expedited approval application process for systems seeking funding at or below $100,000 to develop service line inventories and/or lead service line replacement plans. Funding will be awarded as either grants or 0% interest loans. In order to receive grant funding, a water system must meet hardship criteria for disadvantaged communities (find this info above, inside Inventory Funding Options, then Hardship Criteria Info GO

Expedited funds can be used for planning projects related to completing the service line inventory or replacement plan. This breakdown may include categories such as personnel salary and fees, community outreach and education tools, or equipment/software purchases or rentals.

Funding will be provided on a reimbursement basis. However, reimbursement can include planning work that has been performed prior to application approval. Final reimbursement will not be approved until a completed Initial Service Line Inventory and/or completed Lead Service Line Replacement Plan has been submitted and approved by the division. All Community and Non-Transient Non-Community water systems are eligible. 

Additional Funding 

Identifying service line materials at schools and licensed childcare facilities is one of our top priorities. If a system discovers lead service lines (LSLs) serving schools through their inventory efforts, additional funding (beyond the system’s initial award through this program) may be awarded for construction projects for the replacement of those LSLs. Systems seeking this additional funding for replacement of LSL at schools will need to submit an additional application outlining funding needs.

Any applications for funding above $100,000 or construction projects will need to be submitted through the normal Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) process. You can find more information about the DWSRF process including contacts at the DWSRF Webpage.

What is the difference between the SSAP and Expedited Approval Funding programs? 

Water systems may only receive support from one of these programs. The following table outlines the differences between the two programs: 

Who can apply?

Expedited Approval Funding

All Community and non-transient non-community public water systems

Small Systems Assistance Program (SSAP)

Community water systems serving a population ≤10,000

What assistance is provided?

Expedited Approval Funding

Funding is provided as either 0%interest loans, grants, or partial grant and loan.

Small Systems Assistance Program (SSAP)

Assistance completing a service line inventory and replacement plan through Sunrise Engineering at no cost to the water system.

Which program is the best fit for your water system?

Expedited Approval Funding

If a water system has staff that can complete inventory investigation or is already working with a consulting firm, this program may be a better fit.

Small Systems Assistance Program (SSAP)

If a small community water system is at the beginning stages of the inventory processes, or needs help with field investigation, mapping software, or next steps, this program may be a better fit.

Where to apply?

Expedited Approval Funding

Application for Expedited Approval Funding

Small Systems Assistance Program (SSAP)

Water System Request Form for Contractor Assistance

How is “residential service connection” defined? 

A residential service connection typically refers to a meter setting. If a duplex has one meter for both units it is defined as one connection. Beyond a duplex, each unit typically has its own meter (four meters for a fourplex, etc.)

How is “Number of all other connections/ Equivalent Residential connections” defined? 

For all other connections, typically Equivalent Residential Connections (ERC) is used. ERC is a measure of how much water a store, business, factory or cattle trough uses compared with the average residential user. For example, if the average residence uses 3,000 gallons per month and a convenience store uses 15,000 gallons per month, the store is equivalent to five residences (5 ERCs). This data is used to determine assistance levels from average residential monthly bills and to understand how many connections the system is serving to determine  priority.

What funding is available for service line inventory and replacement?

We are providing funding and technical assistance to help water systems complete their service line inventory and future replacement plans. We also have funding available to help with the water system’s service line replacement efforts. Learn more about current funding assistance at

Contact us

Questions on the inventory and submissions
Lead Service Line Inventories

Lead Service Line Compliance Specialist 
Atie Amirgol
(385) 303-6474

Lead Service Line Inventory Technical Assistance
Rebekah Brown
(385) 501-9128

Last Updated:

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