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Preparing Source Protection Plans

Want to Save Time, Money, or Both?

Would you like the review of your next source protection submittal to go more smoothly? Review the click here to watch a video, and double-check the document you plan to submit to make sure you’ve correctly addressed the items on the list. In all likelihood, we won’t have to ask you for more information and will approve your submittal after our first review, saving you, your consultants, and us time and money. Thanks!

Updated Source Protection Plans

Future Update Due Dates

System PopulationSpringsWellsSurface Water
>10,000December 31, 2026December 31, 2025
3,300-10,000December 31, 2027December 31, 2026
<3,300December 31, 2028December 31, 2027
All PopulationsDecember 31, 2029


If you have an updated source protection plan to prepare, using these templates and forms will speed the review or your plan and the renewal of your waivers. The waiver checklist identifies criteria for waiver eligibility and renewal.

For Groundwater Sources

Using Standard Report Formats will help you prepare a submittal that meets all requirements.

The User’s Guide and Rule will also help ensure that your submittal can be approved.

  • Rule R309-600
    Drinking water source protection for groundwater sources.

And, if you need to renew monitoring waivers, or wish to apply for them for the first time, read this section to find out what waivers are available

Links to waiver application forms can be found above.

For Surface Water Sources

Using Standard Report Formats will help you prepare a submittal that meets all requirements.

The User’s Guide and Rule will also help ensure that your submittal can be approved.

  • Rule R309-605
    Drinking water source protection for surface water sources.

Last Updated:


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