Department of Environmental Quality

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Plan Review and Operating Permits

Plan Review

Plans and specifications for a public drinking water project must be reviewed and approved by the Division of Drinking Water before a public water system begins construction. This includes projects that construct, modify, or add to a drinking water facility and any activity that affects the quality or quantity of drinking water provided. See Requirements for Drinking Water Projects for more information.

Operation and maintenance of drinking water facilities does not require plan review. See R309-500 for complete plan review requirements and a list of operation and maintenance procedures that do not require plan review.

To request plan review, submit the following electronically to

  1. Project Notification Form
  2. Plans and Specifications
  3. Hydraulic Analysis – if required by R309-511 or R309-550-5
  4. Plan Review Checklist (optional)

Operating Permits

A public water system must obtain an operating permit for a water system facility before placing it into service. See R309-500-9 and the Operating Permit Checklist for more information.

To request an operating permit, submit the following electronically to

  1. Certification of Rule Conformance
  2. As-built or Record Drawings (if changes were made to approved plans)
  3. Confirmation that the PWS Received As-built or Record Drawings
  4. Evidence of Proper Flushing and Disinfection per AWWA Standards
  5. Water Quality Data (if appropriate)
  6. Other Documentation Required by Plan Approval
  7. Confirmation that the PWS has Received an O&M Manual (if applicable)

Note: Distribution lines that do not include an in-line booster pump station may be placed into service prior to requesting an Operating Permit, if the PWS has received Certification of Rule Conformance and Evidence of Proper Flushing and Disinfection per AWWA Standards.

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