Division Links

Operator Hiring Center

Submit a Position

Fill out this form to submit a position. Once the information is confirmed and the request is approved, the position will be posted on the website, an email notification will be sent to those who subscribed, and an email notification will be sent to the operators in the area if requested.

The Division would like to assist Utah’s water systems with obtaining a certified operator for their system. This page is a resource for both Water Systems and Operators to connect and fill open positions.

Water Systems Hiring Certified Operators


  • Water System Name: Yonder Escalante
  • Water System Number: Utah09098
  • Location: Escalante, Utah
  • Grade Level: Treatment Grade I (T1)
  • Contact: Tanner Tew,  tanner.tew@ofland.com

Elk Ridge Town

Uintalands Association

East Carbon City

St Elizabeth’s Catholic Church

  • Number: Utah21049
  • Location: Central Valley, UT
  • Grade Level: Small System
  • Contact: Chris Kravits (ckravitsgeo@gmail.com)

Salt Lake City Public Utilities

Quality Inn Bryce

More Opportunities

Water Systems Looking to Hire a Certified Operator

Active and proposed public drinking water systems may notify the Division when they are looking to hire a certified operator.

If your water system is hiring a water operator,  use this form to submit your information to the Division of Drinking Water. Operators’ contact information is protected and will not be shared.


Dawnie Jacobo (DDWOpCert@utah.gov): (385) 272-5038

Last Updated:


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