Department of Environmental Quality

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Hydraulic Modeling Requirements


The Hydraulic Modeling Rule, R309-511, requires Community Water Systems and Non-Transient Non-community Water systems to use hydraulic modeling to assure that new public drinking water projects will meet minimum flow and pressure requirements and not adversely affect new and existing water users. A summary of the rule’s requirements is provided in Hydraulic Modeling Rule Summary (38 KB).


Hydraulic Model Design Elements and System Capacity Expansion Report Template (64 KB)
This report template is for regional or system wide hydraulic analysis; for example, master plan or water projects that have significant impact on the water system’s capacity. This report requires detailed information of a water system’s capacity, ability to expand, and hydraulic modeling results.

Hydraulic Model Design Elements Report Template (60 KB)
This report template can be customized for hydraulic analysis of the drinking water projects. Typically, this template is suitable for project-specific hydraulic modeling analysis. It is not for regional or water system wide modeling.

Hydraulic Modeling Analysis PE Certification Template (29 KB)
The Hydraulic Model Design Elements Report Template and the Hydraulic Model Design Elements and System Capacity Expansion Report Template each contain a PE certification page in the beginning of the report. This PE certification template can be customized for specific drinking water projects. For example, if only the submission of a PE certification of hydraulic model results is required and a hydraulic modeling report is not needed, this one-page PE certification template can be easily modified for use.

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