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New Source Approval
(Wells, Springs, and Surface Water Treatment Plants)

The approval process for a new drinking water source, such as a well, a spring, or a new surface water treatment plant, typically is more complicated than other types of drinking water projects and requires additional information.

New Source Approval Process Documents

The approval process includes:

  1. Source Protection – to protect the proposed source from pollution, a water system must prepare a Preliminary Evaluation Report (PER), which must receive concurrence from the Division of Drinking Water (DDW) prior to approval of plans and specifications for development of the source. Within one year of receiving PER concurrence, a water system must develop and receive approval of a Drinking Water Source Protection (DWSP) Plan for the new source. For more information see Source Protection Program.
  2. Drinking Water Standards – the new source must meet Drinking Water Standards (R309-200). See Minimum Treatment Requirements (R309-505) must be met. New springs or wells under the influence of surface water will require filtration and disinfection treatment to meet drinking water standards.
  3. Source Capacity – a public water system must have sufficient source capacity to meet the peak day demand and total annual demand of its water users. See Minimum Sizing Requirements (R309-510).
  4. Plan Approval – prior to construction of a new water source, a public water system must submit a Project Notification Form[download DDW-2015-004113], plans, and specifications to the Division of Drinking Water for review and approval. Plans and specifications must conform to the Facility Design and Operation Rules (R309-500 through 550), including the Source Development Rule (R309-515).
  5. Operating Permit – after construction of a new source, a public water system must obtain an Operating Permit from DDW before it begins to use the source. See Operating Permit Checklist (32 KB) for requirements.

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