Department of Environmental Quality

Division Links

Cross Connection Control & Backflow Prevention

Many public drinking water systems are contaminated each year by pollutants or contaminants that backflow into the water system through unprotected cross-connections. The State of Utah certifies Backflow Testers and Program Administrators to help prevent unprotected cross connections, and residents can take an active role in protecting their drinking water too.

Pencil and Paper


Get information about becoming a Backflow Tester or a Program Administrator.

Hands in a huddle: Break!

Backflow Coalition

The Backflow Coalition is a chance to get together and talk about solutions to the unique problems in your area. All water professionals welcome.


Water System Tools

Find handouts and information for water systems.

Utah State Capitol dome by Zac Nielson

Rules, Policies, and Regulations

View all related rules regarding backflow and cross-connection, including the International Plumbing Code.

(801) 536-4200

Search the Database

Use the search feature to locate by name or license number. Alternatively, you can select the column header to sort by category.

This is a resource for Backflow Technicians and Water Systems to use to check the information and expiration status of a Backflow Technician.

This is a resource for Water Systems to check the information and expiration status of a Cross Connection Control Program Administrator.


The Division of Drinking Water does not endorse any specific individual or company. It is recommended that you contact and receive quotes from several testers to ensure a fair price for the testing and additional work to be done. If you wish to contact these individuals to hire for testing, it is recommended that you have available the installed assembly type, size, make and full model number.

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