Category: Underground Injection Control Program (UIC)

  • Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    As mandated by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has promulgated regulations establishing minimum requirements, technical criteria and standards for Underground Injection Control (UIC) programs to protect underground sources of drinking water (USDW) from endangerment by subsurface emplacement of fluids (40 CFR Parts 144-148) into UIC wells. The Utah…

  • Storm Water Drainage Wells:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    Storm Water Drainage Wells are a subclass of Underground Injection Control (UIC) Class V wells. They are used where there are no storm water sewers, or in conjunction with them, to manage discharges of storm water from surfaces with no or low permeability where natural infiltration of storm water does not occur. Storm Water Drainage…

  • Class V Inventory Review Fee:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    Background The Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program for Class I, III, IV, and V injection wells requires owner/operators of all Class V injection wells which are not authorized by a UIC permit to submit inventory information according to the requirements of R317-7-6.3. Generally, Class V injection wells are authorized-by-rule (ABR), a determination that is…

  • Compliance Assistance:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    UIC-Regulated Domestic Wastewater Disposal Wells (Design capacity >5,000 gallons per day) Utah Contacts for Septic Systems Ken Hoffman ([email protected])Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Water Quality195 North 1950 WestPO Box 144870Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4870Phone: (801) 536-4313Fax: (801) 536-4301 Storm Water Drainage Wells Contact Porter Henze ([email protected]) with questions or comments.

  • Contacts:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    Utah For Classes I, III, and deep Class V Wells, contact: Porter Henze ([email protected]), (385) 566-7799Utah Department of Environmental QualityDivision of Water QualityGround Water Protection Section For Class IV Wells and shallow Class V Wells, contact: Porter Henze ([email protected]), (385) 566-7799Utah Department of Environmental QualityDivision of Water QualityGround Water Protection Section For Class II Injection…

  • Forms and Applications:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    Contact UIC Program staff before completing these forms or applications to ensure that the appropriate one is used or required. General Forms These forms are applicable to owners / operators of all Class I, III, IV and V injection wells. Class I Forms and Applications Permit application fees apply to Class I injection wells. Read…

  • Glossary:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Contact Porter Henze ([email protected]) with questions or comments.

  • Large-Capacity Cesspools (EPA Well Code—5E):
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    New large-capacity cesspools are BANNED nationwide as of April 5, 2000. Existing large-capacity cesspools must be closed by April 5, 2005. What is a Large-Capacity Cesspool? Cesspools are shallow onsite wastewater disposal systems used to dispose of untreated sanitary waste. Although the construction of a cesspool may vary, they typically consist of concrete cylinder with…

  • Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Wells (MVWDs) EPA Well Code—5K:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    What are Motor Vehicle Waste Disposal Wells and Why are they Regulated? A motor vehicle waste disposal well is a type of Class V injection well. Typically they are shallow disposal systems that receive or have received fluids from vehicular repair or maintenance activities, such as an auto body repair shop, automotive repair shop, new…

  • Permit Application Fees:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    The Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program for Class I, III, IV, and V injection wells requires permit application fees for certain subclasses of injection wells. Permit application fees were approved by the Utah legislature during the 2011 general legislative session. The permit application fee covers the time UIC staff spend in assisting the permit…

  • Related Rules:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    The Utah Administrative Rules for the Underground Injection Control Program incorporates by reference several portions of the Code of Federal Regulations as well as the Administrative Rules for other programs in Utah.  Additionally, certain UIC injection well activities are of concern to other state and local government agencies. 40 CFR 40 CFR 124 Procedures for…

  • Resources:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    General The following documents pertain primarily to deep injection wells (Class I and III). Class I Class III Class IV Class V General Industrial Well—5A Carwashes—5A1 and 5A2 Laundromats—5A7 Cooling Water—5A18 and 5A19 Food Processing—5A20 Drinking Water Treatment Residuals—5A23 Beneficial Use Wells—5B Aquifer Recharge (5B1) and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (5B4) Wells Saline Water Intrusion…

  • SIC and NAICS Codes:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    Explanation of Standard Industry Classification (SIC) Codes Regulated by the UPDES Industrial Storm Water Program and Corresponding North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Codes used by the UIC Program. * = Taken from UPDES Sector Table ** = Corresponding NAICS Codes Used by the UIC Program Sector* Industry Type (link to specific sector requirements)** Comments…

  • Well Classes:
    Utah Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program

    Class I Wells Class I injection wells are used to inject fluids containing contaminants with concentrations greater than their maximum contaminant level (MCL) or other health-based standard. Class I wells are held to strict siting, construction, and operating standards to ensure that the emplaced fluids will not endanger underground sources of drinking water (USDWs). Class…

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