Asbestos, a strong and fire-resistant natural mineral fiber, was widely used in building materials like drywall, insulation, and flooring. It poses health risks since its tiny fibers can be released into the air and inhaled, causing lung damage. If asbestos-containing materials are in good condition and not disturbed, they are generally safe. Renovation or demolition, however, can release hazardous fibers.
ATLAS Database
Certified companies
Asbestos Abatement/Renovation
- How to Properly Remove Asbestos-Containing Spray-on Textured Ceilings for Homeowners
- Asbestos Hazards During Abatement/Renovation Activities
- Asbestos Clean-up Procedure of incomplete removal of RACM
- Renovation or Demolition? What You Need to Know Before Your Start
- Asbestos Renovation/Abatement Notification Form
- Asbestos Safety During Renovation and Remodeling handout
- CMU Block Filler Paint Alternative Work Practice Model Language
- Managing Asbestos Cement Pipe
Under the authority of the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) of 1986, the USEPA published the Asbestos-Containing Materials in Schools rule (AHERA rule) Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations Part 763, Subpart E. The AHERA rule applies to all non-profit elementary and secondary schools nationwide, both public and private. Local Education Agencies (LEAs) are responsible for ensuring compliance with the AHERA rule and are required, among other things, to develop and maintain an up-to-date AHERA asbestos management Plan (AAMP). Schools built after October 12, 1988, may submit a partial AHERA rule exclusion letter (exclusion letter), written by the architect in charge of the design of the school, the lead engineer in charge of the construction of the school, or a Utah certified asbestos inspector working for a Utah certified asbestos company which becomes the AAMP. All AAMPs and exclusion letters must be submitted to the Utah Division of Air Quality prior to the building being used as a school.
LEAs are also responsible for having a Designated Person to oversee asbestos-related activities in the school and ensure that the AHERA regulatory responsibilities of the LEA are met. Schools who submit an exclusion letter are also responsible for annual notifications to parent, teacher, and employee organizations of the availability of the AAMP or the exclusion letter.
- AHERA Management Plan Cover Sheet
- Model AHERA Project Engineer’s Letter
- Model AHERA Architect’s Letter
- Model AHERA Accredited Inspector’s Letter
- Model Annual Notification Language
- Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools Regulations
- AHERA Asbestos Management Plan Self-Audit Checklist for Designated Persons
- Model AHERA Asbestos Management Plan for Local Education Agencies
If you have questions related to the AHERA rule, please contact Lenora Sullivan ([email protected]) by email or by phone at (385)214-3696.
Work Practices: Air Clearance Samples
The Utah Division of Air Quality asbestos program supports the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA) sequence for analyzing air clearance samples that can be found in 40 CFR Part 763, Subpart E, Appendix A(IV)(D). The Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) expects certified asbestos inspectors to follow this sequence when determining the number of samples to analyze in order to complete a response action. If you have any questions, please contact the ATLAS staff.
Notification Forms for Asbestos Projects and Demolitions
Individual Certification Forms
- Citizenship Certification Form
Proof of citizenship or legal residency status (i.e., drivers license, passport) must be attached. This form must be included with all initial certification applications for U.S. citizens (one time only). It must be included with all applications (including recertification) for all non-U.S. citizens with every certification application. Proof of resident alien status must be attached. - Asbestos Individual Certification Application Form
Company Certifications
Training Provider Notifications
- Post-Training Notification Form
- Training Notification Form
- Alternative Work Practice Request Form for Training Notifications
Complaint Form
Professional Asbestos Service Providers in Utah
- Utah DAQ Asbestos Rules Packet
- R307-801
- National Emission Standards for Asbestos CFR Part 61 Subpart M
- OSHA Standards
- AHERA Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Part 763 Subpart E
Mission and goals
The mission of the Division of Air Quality’s Asbestos Program is to protect human health and the environment from exposure to asbestos. This is accomplished by enforcing rules, regulations and work practices included in the Utah Asbestos Rule, Asbestos National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP), and the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA).
The goals of the Asbestos Program are to educate the public, building owners, and contractors about asbestos and to ensure full compliance with the rules. Our team performs compliance inspections of demolition and asbestos abatement projects for which we have been notified, as well as general renovation/remodel projects. We respond to complaints from the public in a timely manner. We also provide educational initiatives or presentations as often as possible.
Utah Division of Air Quality
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
Phone: (801) 536-4000
Fax: (801) 536-4099
- Barbara Perkins ([email protected]) (801) 536-0221
- Jeff Perkins ([email protected]) (385) 260-3517
- Lauren Richardson ([email protected]) (801) 707-2308
- Mike Scott ([email protected]) (385)-266-1869
- Mike Zucker ([email protected]) (801) 580-5476
- Leonard Wright ([email protected]) (801) 707-8032
- Tamie Call ([email protected]) (385) 227-1055
- Ky Fonger ([email protected]) (385) 214-3659
- Jared James ([email protected]) (385) 306-6501
- [email protected]
- [email protected]