Department of Environmental Quality

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Terms and Abbreviations:
Stationary Source Compliance


A-Companies who have actual emissions greater than 100 tons per year of any single pollutant.

Annual Inspection

A full comprehensive inspection and emissions test of the facility, typically conducted annually, based on the applicable requirements of the Title V operating permits, approval orders, or State and Federal rules.


B-Companies who have less than 100 tons per year of actual emissions, but more than 5 tons per year of air emissions.

Continuous Emissions Monitor (CEM)

An electronic system attached to a stack or point of representative emissions that measures 24 hours a day the amount of a specific pollutant exiting the process into the air from a smoke stack or chimney.

Initial Compliance Inspection

The first compliance inspection conducted after the issuance of a new Title V operating permit or approval order.


SM-Companies who have the potential to emit more than 100 tons per year of any single air pollutant, but whose actual air emissions are calculated to be less than 100 tons per year due to limits on operations or the addition of pollution control equipment.

Source Category

Companies are categorized by size at the Division of Air Quality.

Stack Test

Testing of emissions from a stack or other process through which regulated pollutants are emitted. Stack testing generally consists of an independent third-party company using testing equipment and methods to measure the amount of regulated pollutants emitted from a facility process. Tests are audited by a regulatory agency.

Stack Test Audits

Actual on-site audits of stack tests to insure proper methodology and valid results of emissions exiting a chimney or stack.


Volatile Organic Compounds.

VOC Inspections

Inspections in which VOC emitting devices were encountered or targeted, such at tanker trucks, solvent degreasers, or paint booths.

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