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Point Source Emission Inventories

What method does Utah use for reporting point source emission inventories?

UDAQ uses SLEIS, the State & Local Emissions Inventory System. It is a web-based platform where facility users have an account to enter data. Upon login, the user will see all the facilities with which they are associated. Clicking on an individual facility will show the user the inventory reports, listed by year. Users can either enter data through a graphical user interface or by downloading a template.

A facility can have multiple users, registered for 5 different roles:

  • Viewers: can only read the facility’s information
  • Editors: can make changes (add, delete, edit, attach)
  • Administrators: can edit roles for other Facility users
  • Facility Billing: will receive any SLEIS Title V invoices
  • Submitters: The owner of the facility’s Approval Order(s) is responsible for ensuring the report is submitted, but can designate a Responsible Person to do so. The Responsible Person must be an employee, owner, or operator of the facility or equipment. A consultant, who may have been hired to compile and edit emissions inventory data for a facility, may not have the role of Submitter; the consultant must provide the report to the Submitter for submission.

What facilities are required to submit an inventory?

R307-150-3 outlines which types of facilities are required to submit an emission inventory report. (After clicking this link, scroll to “Environmental Quality”, click, then scroll to “Air Quality”, click, then scroll to “Emission Inventories (150)”, in numerical order.) Exemptions to this rule for Part 70 sources (R307-150-3(3)(d)) are listed on the spreadsheet that explains the reporting thresholds.

What data needs to be reported?

R307-150-4 through 6 outlines the requirements for the inventory reports. (After clicking this link, scroll to “Environmental Quality”, click, then scroll to “Air Quality”, click, then scroll to “Emission Inventories (150)”, in numerical order.) Though not indicated in R307-150, PM-CON, PM10-FIL, and PM25-FIL must also be reported.

All air emissions occurring at a facility, including mobile sources and fugitive emissions, must be reported, not just the emissions from the equipment or processes listed in the Approval Order. This includes any equipment or activities that are located or occur within a contiguous or adjacent area that are under common control and belong to the same type of major industry. For a list of major industry categories, refer to the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Manual.

For example: if the SIC code on your facility’s Approval Order is 9711, your Major Group is 97. Click on the “Major Group 97” link to see all activities that should be reported for your facility.

When does the inventory process begin?

The inventory cycle starts in January for the previous year. For example, a facility required to report emissions for 2020 (January 1 through December 31) will be able to start reporting emissions in January of 2021. At this time, UDAQ staff send emails to all registered users for facilities required to submit that year, notifying them that their report has been published in SLEIS. This means the facility can begin reporting data.

When is the inventory due?

The inventory is due on April 15th of the following year. For example, if you are reporting emissions for 2020, the inventory is due April 15th, 2021.

What if the inventory data is not complete or inaccurate?

It is important to be accurate, failure to do so constitutes a violation, and penalties may be assessed.

What if the inventory is submitted late?

It is important to submit the report by the deadline. Failure to do so constitutes a violation, and penalties may be assessed.

Is the data kept confidential?

The information submitted is not considered confidential. Under state and federal law, it becomes a matter of public record. The process information and the emissions data will be forwarded to EPA and incorporated in the National Emission Inventory (NEI), a publicly accessible database.


Questions? Please email sleis@utah.gov

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