RACM Overview
Under the Clean Air Act, all areas designated Moderate or more severe nonattainment areas for the 2015 8-hour ozone standard are required to implement RACM for point, area, off-road, and on-road source categories. RACM applies only to those point sources not already addressed as part of a RACT analysis. RACM implementation is required to be as expeditiously as practicable. The purpose of the RACM analysis is to determine whether RACM exist that would advance the attainment date for nonattainment areas. Control measures that have been implemented at the federal level, in other states, and in other local air districts must be considered. The general approach to RACM includes the following steps:
- Identification of potential control measures that are reasonable
- Modeling to identify the attainment date that is as expeditious as practicable
- Selection of RACM
A RACM analysis determines potential control measures for each source category considering the following requirements:
- Technological feasibility of the control measure
- Economic feasibility of the control measure
- If the control measure would cause substantial widespread and long-term adverse impacts
- If the control measure is absurd, unenforceable, or impracticable
- If the control measure can advance the attainment date by at least one year
Ozone nonattainment RACM analysis examines control measures for all potential VOC and NOx emission sources.
Source Categories
As part of a RACM analysis, consideration will be given to a broad list of source categories. The DAQ will implement control strategies that apply to area source categories through air quality rules that will apply to every source within a particular area source category. The DAQ will update this list as ozone nonattainment SIP development progresses.
DAQ already has area source rules for areas in the Wasatch Front for the Serious PM2.5 SIP. As part of ozone nonattainment SIPs, DAQ will re-evaluate these rules to determine if they meet RACM for ozone, as well as determine additional area source categories where new area source rules would be appropriate for RACM.
Current Area Source Rules for areas in the Wasatch Front that may be applicable:
- R307-221 Emission Standard: Emission Controls for Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills
- R307-230 NOx Emission Limits for Natural Gas-Fired Water Heaters
- R307-303 Commercial Cooking
- R307-304 Industrial Solvent Use
- R307-313 VOC and Blue Smoke Controls for Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
- R307-328 Gasoline Transfer and Storage
- R307-335 Degreasing
- R307-341 Cutback Asphalt
- R307-342 Adhesive and Sealants
- R307-343 Emissions Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations
- R307-344 Paper, Film & Foil Coating
- R307-345 Fabric & Vinyl Coating
- R307-346 Metal Furniture Surface Coating
- R307-347 Large Appliance Surface Coating
- R307-348 Magnet Wire Coating
- R307-349 Flat Wood Panel Coating
- R307-350 Miscellaneous Metal Parts & Products Coating
- R307-351 Graphic Arts
- R307-352 Metal Containers, Closure & Coil Coating
- R307-353 Plastic Parts Coating
- R307-354 Auto body refinishing
- R307-355 Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacture & Rework Facilities
- R307-356 Appliance Pilot Light
- R307-357 Consumer Products
- R307-361 Architectural Coatings
UDAQ Ozone RACT/RACM Email Alerts
Join the DAQ ozone RACT/RACM email list and stay up to date with all information pertaining to Utah’s ozone RACT/RACM process. Relevant information for affected sources, operators, and consultants will be periodically emailed out. Sign up for email alerts here: