Monthly Activities: Air Quality Stationary Source Compliance
2020 May 2020 (69 KB) April 2020 (962 KB) March 2020 (1.1 MB) February 2020 (1 MB)
Stationary Source Compliance Contacts
[email protected] (801) 536-4000 Main Phone (Reception Desk)(801) 536-4099 FAX Number(801) 536-0091 Eleanor Divver, Business Assistance Coordinator Alphabetical by Employee Name Phone Section Morris, Jay ([email protected]) (801) 536-4079 Compliance Assistant Director Burge, Harold ([email protected]) (385) 306-6509 Major Source Compliance Section Manager Beem, Cindy ([email protected]) (385) 306-6513 Major Source Compliance Leishman, Rob ([email protected]) (801) 536-4438 Major Source…
Stationary Source Compliance
Air Quality Compliance section is responsible for ensuring that all regulatory requirements are met for major and minor source for Utah State land. The Compliance section completes inspections, audits, and enforcement actions in accordance with the Utah Clean Air Act. Utah State Business that produce Air Emissions are inspected to ensure that they are complying…
Fugitive Dust Control Requirements for Non-Attainment Areas:
Stationary Source ComplianceFor Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, and Weber Counties Submit FDCP OnlineFugitive dust is particles of soil, ash, coal, minerals, etc., which becomes airborne because of wind or mechanical disturbance. Fugitive dust can be generated from natural causes such as wind or from manmade causes such as unpaved haul roads and operational…
Mandatory No Burn Days:
Stationary Source ComplianceThe Utah Division of Air Quality issues mandatory no burn actions when fine particulate pollution builds up to unhealthy levels during winter inversions. While these no-burn days are typically called during the winter inversion season of November 1st to March 1st, they may be called anytime throughout the year. State regulations prohibit residents from burning…
Regulations for Solid Fuel Burning Devices:
Stationary Source ComplianceRegulations for Solid Fuel Burning Devices These regulations cover Box Elder, Cache, Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, Utah, and Weber Counties and include fireplaces and wood, pellet, and coal burning stoves. Winter inversions trap microscopic particles called PM2.5 in the air. The use of solid fuel burning devices, such as fireplaces wood, pellet, and coal burning…
Regulations for Residential Open Burning:
Stationary Source ComplianceOpen burning is a source of air pollution that is regulated by the Division of Air Quality (DAQ). There are statewide rules in place that regulate open burning activities to help minimize emissions and ensure that the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) are met. Recent modifications to these rules change the open burn periods…
Solid Fuel Burning Devices:
Stationary Source ComplianceThis information pertains to statewide residential fireplaces and solid fuel burning devices, including fireplaces and wood, pellet, and coal burning stoves. Residential fireplaces and solid fuel burning devices contribute particulate matter emissions to the atmosphere. To minimize the amount of emissions from these devices, they are regulated by a visible emission standard (opacity). When operated…
Terms and Abbreviations:
Stationary Source ComplianceA-Companies A-Companies who have actual emissions greater than 100 tons per year of any single pollutant. Annual Inspection A full comprehensive inspection and emissions test of the facility, typically conducted annually, based on the applicable requirements of the Title V operating permits, approval orders, or State and Federal rules. B-Companies B-Companies who have less than…