Department of Environmental Quality

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Underground Storage Tank Permits

Storage Tank Permits

Underground storage tank owners and operators must register all tanks with the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation. Petroleum tanks must have a Certificate of Compliance. Permanent tank closure requires prior Closure Plan approval. Companies installing new tanks must have an installation permit. Certification also is required for individuals who work on underground storage tanks.

Process Overview

Underground storage tank forms are available online.

Certified installers who plan to install new tanks or upgrade existing ones must notify the Division 30-days prior to beginning work. An installation permit with accompanying fee must be received prior to completion of the installation. An underground storage tank may be permanently closed following the submission of a completed closure plan form.

Tanks cannot be used Underground until a compliance certificate is obtained. Compliance requires meeting both state and federal regulations. To obtain a certificate, submit the application form along with tank and line tightness tests, any previous pollution incident forms, and a financial assurance form.

The Division must be notified within 24 hours of a suspected product release. Spills or overfills exceeding 25 gallons must be reported within 24 hours, smaller spills and overfills are reported only if they cannot be cleaned up within 24 hours. The Division must approve corrective action plans before cleanup begins.


Time Required

Compliance certificates generally can be issued within two days, if all necessary information and fees are received with the application. Closure plans are usually approved within 30 days, if the initial plan is complete.


Compliance certificates are valid until January 1 each year. Certificates are automatically reissued unless they have been revoked for noncompliance with state and federal regulations or lapsed because fees weren’t paid. Closure plans are valid for one year from the approval date.


DEQ Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
168 North 1950 West
P.O. Box 144840
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840
Telephone: (801) 536-4100
Fax: (801) 359-8853

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