Department of Environmental Quality

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Petroleum Storage Tank Branch

Attention: APST Regulation Begins July 2021

The Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) began regulating Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks (APSTs) starting July 1, 2021.

PST Program

The Utah State Program to Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Program is a branch of the Department of Environmental Quality. The primary goal of the UST Program is to protect human health and the environment from leaking underground storage tanks (LUST). The UST staff oversees: UST notification, installation, inspection, removal, and compliance with State and Federal regulations concerning UST release prevention and remediation.

As a result of a federal mandate, the State of Utah amended the Solid and Hazardous Waste Act in 1986 which established the Utah UST Program. In 1989, the Underground Storage Tank Act was enacted; it details the duties and responsibilities of the Director of the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR), the Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board, and the Utah UST Program Authority. The act established the Petroleum Storage Tank (PST) Fund and provides certain requirements for UST owners and operators.

Morgan Atkinson, Branch Manager

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 144840
Salt Lake City, Utah

 (801) 536-4100
Fax: (801) 359-8853

Environmental Incidents

24 Hour Phone Number
(801) 536-4123


Multi Agency
State Office Building
195 North 1950 West
(First Floor)
Salt Lake City, Utah



8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Closed Holidays

What is an Underground Storage Tank?

An UST is a tank system, including piping connected to the tank, that has at least 10 percent of its volume underground. Federal and state regulations apply only to those USTs containing petroleum products or certain hazardous chemicals. USTs not regulated include:

  • Farm or residential tanks 1,100 gallons or less, used non-commercially.
  • Tanks storing heating oil, used on the premises.
  • Flow-through process tanks.
  • Emergency spill and overflow tanks.
  • Tanks holding 110 gallons or less.
  • Others as described in the federal register.

Why are USTs Regulated?

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), with the help of the regulated industry, developed regulations concerning UST owners and operators. The goals of these regulations include:

  • To prevent leaks and spills.
  • To find leaks and spills.
  • To correct the problems created by leaks and spills.
  • To ensure the owners and operators can pay for clean-up associated with leaking USTs.
  • To ensure that Utah has a regulatory program that complies with the Federal regulations.

Utah obtains more than 50% of the population’s drinking water from groundwater. The regulations in place are meant to protect this valuable public resource. When an UST leaks, it becomes a Leaky Underground Storage Tank (LUST) and poses a risk to human health and the environment. Currently, there are more than 3,000 LUST sites in Utah. These sites have resulted in contaminated ground water and in some cases, explosive situations.

For more information regarding the EPA UST regulations, please visit “Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)” on the EPA’s UST site.

Who Makes Up the Utah UST Program?

DERR Director

The Director of the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation is an individual who has the authority to administer the UST Program as established by the Utah Legislature. The Director answers to the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board which consists of approximately ten individuals appointed by the Governor.

UST Section

The UST section of the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation, is a group of environmental scientists whose task is to oversee the regulated public in issues that concern the operational life of USTs up to proper closing of UST systems. The UST staff has tracked about 15,000 USTs and currently regulates approximately 4,300 USTs at more than 1,500 different facilities. UST staff members perform compliance inspections, issue compliance notices, and serve as expert witnesses at administrative hearings. Outreach classes and seminars are taught throughout the state.

LUST Section

The LUST section of DERR oversees remediation of contamination from USTs. LUST scientists and engineers review and establish clean-up guidelines. When responsible parties are not available or are unable to pay for the remediation of a LUST site, the LUST staff may use LUST-Trust money to define the degree of hazard, initiate abatement actions, and remediate the site. Funds spent will be recovered from responsible parties. Often, responsible parties seek the guidance of the LUST staff to insure clean-up in a timely and economical fashion.

Administrative Support Section

The administrative support section oversees the collection of UST fees and monitors expenditures. Accountants and technicians answer questions concerning billings and distribute funds as appropriate.

What are the Requirements for Owner/Operators of Underground Storage Tank Systems?

  • Notify the DERR of all regulated USTs with EPA Notification Form 7530-1 
  • Pay any applicable fees.
  • Obtain a Certificate of Compliance.
  • Maintain compliance with regulations.
  • Upgrade USTs when required.
  • Report any UST release to the DERR.
  • Remediate contamination.
  • Remove UST appropriately.

Comments and Questions

You can obtain more information by contacting us:

Division of Environmental Response and Remediation
195 North 1950 West
Salt Lake City, Utah 84116
Phone: (801) 536-4100

Learn more about ASTs and USTs

Tank Tips: Inspect & Maintain

June 2021 Tank Tip

New Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tank Regulations

The Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) will begin regulating Aboveground Petroleum Storage Tanks (APSTs) starting July 1, 2021. See more information on what APSTs are regulated, responsibilities of owners and operators of regulated APSTs, and key dates.

Also, beginning May 5th, 2021, all regulated APSTs will be required to submit a closure plan for any closures, upgrades, line replacements, etc. Releases from regulated APSTs will now be regulated by the DERR and the UST reporting requirements and cleanup standards will apply.

If you have questions about APST regulations, please call the UST Compliance Section at (801) 536-4100

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