Department of Environmental Quality

Division Links

Releases from Underground Storage Tanks
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) Program

Reporting a Release from Underground Storage Tanks

Information Requested

Some of the information may not be known, this is common. The person taking the phone call at the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) will assist you with any questions you have. DERR (801) 536-4100.

Information Needed as Complete as Possible

  • Facility ID (7 digit numbers that may begin with a zero used to identify facilities with UST’s).
  • The name and address of the facility where the UST release is being reported.
  • The name, company, and telephone of the person reporting the release of the UST (anonymous is acceptable, but a name is helpful if further information is needed).

Information Needed as Much as Possible or Pertinent

  • Have fumes been noticed in homes, businesses, utilities, outdoors, soils, and/or water?
  • Has any damage occurred to soils, ground water, surface water, drinking water, utilities, land surface, plants/wildlife, or a 3rd party?
  • Is free product (any petroleum product that is not dissolved in water or soil) present?
  • What other agencies have been notified (Health Dept., Fire Dept., Department of Environmental Quality, etc.)?
  • What has been done to clean-up this release already?
  • Where did the release come from (i.e., piping, tank itself, spill/overfill, the pump island)?
  • What is the age of the tank and pipe, along with what they are made of (steel or fiberglass for example)?
  • When did the release occur?
  • How much was released (estimate)?
  • How was the release detected (tank tightness test, line tightness test, leak detector, inventory, field instruments, analytical, etc.)?
  • What was the substance released (gasoline, diesel, waste oil, new oil, solvents, other)?
  • What type of soil is present (sand, clay, etc.), and the depth to contaminated soil?
  • How deep is ground water in the area, and its flow direction?
  • What is the slope direction of the land in this area?
  • What is the distance and direction to the nearest water well, underground utilities, surface water, buildings, and property boundaries?
  • What is the current and surrounding land use where the release occurred (commercial, industrial, residential, agricultural)?
  • How much annual precipitation is received in this city?
  • What is the ground cover at the site (lawn, asphalt, gravel, etc.)?
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