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Welcome to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Permit Guide. This tool is designed to assist individuals and companies involved in activities regulated by DEQ to identify the permits, licenses, registrations, and certifications required for those activities. We encourage all who are new to DEQ’s regulatory process, as well as those currently regulated by DEQ, to use this tool to learn about the permits, licenses, registrations, and certifications applicable to businesses operating in Utah.
What if I already know which permits I need?
If you already know your legal obligations in regard to permits, certifications, or licenses, then it might be more efficient to jump directly to the concise Find a Permit page, or to skip around in the topics below.
I don’t know which permits I am responsible for
If you are unsure as to what types of permits, certifications, or licenses that you might need from DEQ, then the Step-by-Step Permitting Process will help you determine your legal obligations. The process takes you through each specific area of interest one question at a time. In this way you will become exposed to most of the possible requirements. However, this can be a long process, so set aside time or bookmark your stopping page so that you can come back and continue from where you left off.
Begin the Step-by-Step Guided Tour
Are you familiar with the DEQ Permit Process and know which permits you or your company require?
- The Find a Permit dashboard is an index of permits for use by those who already know the permit process and which permits are required.
- Alternately, you can also skip around in the appropriate sections below. Throughout the process, the menu will show you where you are in relation to the other sections. Return to this page at any time.
No: Begin the Step-by-Step Process, or contact the Program Manager ( (801) 536-0091 for assistance.
Water Quality
If your facility produces, treats, disposes of, or otherwise discharges waste water, you may need a permit from the Division of Water Quality or the Division of Drinking Water (below). See Rule R317-8. Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) for more details.
Waste Management
Any facility that generates or manages solid or hazardous waste is required to notify the US EPA. The State of Utah has authority to oversee this waste management. It is the obligation of the facility to properly characterize their waste and manage it appropriately. The Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control will provide guidance and information to the facility.
Air Quality
The Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) protects public health and the environment from the harmful effects of air pollution. Primarily this occurs through the issuance of air quality permits to control and limit the amount of pollution released into the air. DAQ also administers other programs such as asbestos abatement, lead-based paint, and dust control.
Petroleum Storage Tank Programs
The Underground Storage Tank (UST) Program oversees UST notification, installation, inspection, removal, and compliance with State and federal UST regulations concerning release prevention and remediation.
Under Utah State Law, the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) is required to verify the lawful presence in the United States of an individual at least 18 years of age (includes sole proprietor doing business under an assumed name) who has applied for underground storage tank certification. This law also applies for renewal, reinstatement, and reciprocity applications.
- Above Ground Storage Tanks
- Underground Storage Tank Contractor Certification
- Initial Underground Storage Tank Contractor Certification
- Underground Storage Tank Contractor Recertification
- Underground Storage Tank Owner/Operator Training & Registration Program
- Requirements for Installing New Underground Storage Tanks
- Related Topics
Drinking Water
If your facility, business, or water system provides water or needs access to a water supply, the Division of Drinking Water rules may apply. See Utah Safe Drinking Water Act (Title 19, Chapter 4 of the Utah Code) or R309-100-4 (General Rules).
If your facility produces, treats, disposes of, or otherwise discharges waste water, you may need a permit from the Division of Water Quality (above) or the Division of Drinking Water. See Rule R317-8. Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) for more details.
Radiation Control
The Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) regulates the use of radiation-generating equipment (like X-ray machines), and the use and disposal of radioactive material. Owners of radiation-generating equipment must register their machines with DWMRC. Individuals possessing or using radioactive material or devices containing radioactive material must be issued a Specific License from DWMRC, or they must receive radioactive material under a General License.
The DWMRC issues Generator Site Access Permits to individuals wanting to dispose of radioactive waste at the EnergySolutions low-level radioactive waste facility in Clive, Utah. DWMRC also licenses low-level radioactive waste disposal facilities and uranium mill sites. For licensing questions involving low-level waste disposal facilities or uranium mill sites contact DWMRC directly at (801) 536-4250.
DWMRC’s X-ray Program certifies individuals as Qualified Experts (individuals approved to perform inspections or radiation-generating equipment), Mammography Imaging Medical Physicists, and Certified Installers (of radiation-generating equipment).
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Information within the Utah DEQ Permit Guide is made available as a public service. The Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) tries to ensure that the information made available within the Permit Guide is accurate and complete. Due to factors beyond its control, DEQ cannot guarantee against unauthorized modifications of information or errors made in inputting and posting data. DEQ may make changes to these pages at any time to update, add, or correct the information made available.
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