Permit Guide
Related Links Welcome to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ) Permit Guide. This tool is designed to assist individuals and companies involved in activities regulated by DEQ to identify the permits, licenses, registrations, and certifications required for those activities. We encourage all who are new to DEQ’s regulatory process, as well as those currently…
Wastewater Discharge Permits
Permit GuideRelated Links Background If your facility produces, treats, disposes of, or otherwise discharges waste water, you may need a permit from the Utah Division of Water Quality or the Division of Drinking Water. See Rule R317-8. Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) for more details. Facilities that produce, treat, dispose of, or otherwise discharge waste water from…
Wastewater Certification
Permit GuideRelated Links Onsite Systems Professional Certification is required for any person who designs, inspects, or maintains underground wastewater disposal systems (defined in Utah Administrative Code R317-4, R317-5 and R317-11) that are self-contained treatment and disposal systems such as septic systems or large underground disposal systems, or who conducts percolation tests or soil evaluations for underground wastewater disposal systems. Wastewater…
Indirect Discharges to Municipal Sanitary Sewers
Permit GuideA State permit is needed to discharge into sewers if the municipality or sewer district does not have a State approved pre-treatment program or authority to issue its own permits. Does your facility discharge into a municipal sewer system or sewer district? YES: Contact the Utah Division of Water Quality (801) 536-4300 to determine whether the…
Storm Water Permits
Permit GuideRelated Links The Storm Water Program requires management practices to ensure that pollutants are not transported in surface runoff. The program addresses runoff from construction activities that disturb one or more acres of land; certain industrial facilities depending upon the facility’s Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code; and, small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). Each…
Ground Water Permits
Permit GuideRelated Links Any facility that discharges, or may discharge, pollutants to ground water needs a permit. This includes land application of wastes; waste storage pits, piles, landfills, and dumps; liquid waste storage facilities at large animal feeding operations; mining, milling, metallurgical, and mineral extraction operations (including heap leach facilities); wastewater pits, ponds, and lagoons; and,…
Underground Injection Control Permits
Permit GuideRelated Links The Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program protects underground sources of drinking water (USDWs) from contamination by the subsurface emplacement of fluids through injection wells. The UIC Program prohibits injection of fluid containing any contaminant if the presence of that contaminant may cause a violation of any primary drinking water regulation or which may…
Water Quality Related Topics
Permit GuideEnd of the Water Quality Section Next Up? Waste Management You have completed the Water Qualtiy section of the Permit Wizard process. If you have not received an answer to all of your water quality related questions, or if you still have concerns or additional questions, contact the Division of Water Quality (801) 536-4300.
Solid Waste
Permit GuideRelated Links Individuals and businesses may not dispose or incinerate solid waste except at facilities complying with Utah’s solid and hazardous waste rules. Non-hazardous solid waste generally consists of municipal trash and garbage; construction and demolition waste; waste from commercial establishments; and industrial waste. Solid waste disposal sites must obtain permits from the Executive Secretary…
Used Tire Permits
Permit GuideWill you operate a waste tire storage facility? YES: Download the Instructions for Application for a Permit to Operate a Waste Tire Storage Facility (39 KB). Do you wish to become a waste tire recycler? YES: Download the Waste Tire Recycler Registration Application (322 KB). Do you wish to become a waste tire transporter? YES: Download the Waste Tire Transporter…
Used Oil Permits
Permit GuideRelated Links The goal is to eliminate, or reduce, the obstacles to proper collection and disposal of do-it-yourselfer (DIYer) used oil, (i.e., used oil generated through household activities, including maintenance of personal vehicles) through a broad and extensive public education program, and by making used oil collection centers more accessible, and by maintaining pertinent standards…
Hazardous Waste Management
Permit GuideRelated Links A hazardous waste is specifically listed by the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Rules R315-260 through 273 or exhibits a characteristic such as ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or toxicity (as defined by the rules). Common hazardous waste may include paint, solvents used in painting and dry cleaning residues and pesticides. Individuals who treat, store or dispose of…
Waste Programs Related Topics
Permit GuideRelated Links End of the Waste Management Section Next Up? Air Quality You have completed the Waste Management section of the Permit Wizard process. If you have not received an answer to all of your waste related questions, or if you still have concerns or additional questions, contact the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (801)…
Cleanup Certification, Dust Control, and Open Burning
Permit GuideRelated Links For more information on asbestos, lead-based paint, and general dust control during construction or demolition activities, contact the Division of Air Quality at (801) 536-4000. Are you going to demolish a building? YES: Visit Asbestos. Are you renovating a pre-1978 home? YES: Visit Lead-based Paint. Do you need to obtain or renew a dust control plan? YES:…
New Source Review Permits
Permit GuideRelated Links Approval Orders are issued by the New Source Review Section of the Division of Air Quality. They have been required for most new or modified operations since 1969. These permits may include limits on both construction and operation activities. A person must apply for an Approval Order before starting construction or operation of…
Operating Permits
Permit GuideRelated Links Air quality Operating Permits are issued by the Division of Air Quality Operating Permit Section, and are required by Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act Amendments, and implemented at the federal level by 40 CFR Part 70. Any operation that has the potential to emit 10 tons per year of any hazardous air pollutant, 25 tons…