Mike Dunn: Solid Waste Facility Fact Sheet: Dunn Five Mile Class Landfill

March 2013

Facility Owner

Mike Dunn

Facility Operator

Mike Dunn

Property Owner


Facility Address

Approximately 4,700 feet nortwesterly of HWY 73 and the Tooele County Line.

Facility Location

Landfill site is located in Township 7 south, Range 3 west, Section 4 and 5., SLMB (USM for some locations in Uintah and Duchesne counties); Tooele County, Lat. 40°14′ 22″, Long. 112°11’21”.

Remaining Capacity

  • Acres: 84
  • Tons: 88,000
  • Cubic Yards: 219,735
  • Years: 10-15

Waste Accepted

Construction/demolition waste, as defined in UAC R3 15-30l-2(17); Yard waste, as defined in UAC R315-301 -2(87); Inert waste, as defined in UAC R3l5-301 -2(37); Waste tires, when the requirements of UAC R3 15-320 are met; Petroleum contaminated soil as allowed in UAC R3 15-315-8 and Waste Asphalt.

Waste Excluded

Hazardous waste as defined by UAC R315-l and R3 l5-2; PCB’s as defined by UAC R3l5-301-2(53), except PCB’s specified by UAC R315-315-7(2)(a) and (c); Household waste, except waste resulting from the abatement,
rehabilitation, renovation and remodeling of homes and other residences; municipal waste; Special waste except as specified in this Permit; Regulated asbestos-containing material; Industrial waste; Commercial waste; Containers larger than household size (five gallons) holding any liquid,non-containerized material containing free liquids or any waste containing free liquids in containers larger than five gallons. R3l5-301 through 320.

Permit Effective Date

March 6, 2013

Facility Contact

Mike Dunn
Phone: (801) 221-9001 or (801) 420-1464

DEQ Contact

Rob Powers ([email protected])
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
PO Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880
Phone: (801) 536-0255

Local Health Department

Tooele County Health Department
Phone: (435) 277-2300

Facility Documents

  • Permit Application
  • Permit


For more information, please contact Brian Speer ([email protected]) (801) 536-0219.

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