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The Solid Waste Program administers permitting and compliance programs for non-hazardous solid waste treatment, storage and disposal facilities throughout the State. Other areas of activity include technical, and public assistance.
Along with the local health departments throughout the State, the Solid Waste Program provides a response to questions of improper disposal of solid waste and assists citizens in proper methods of disposal.
Technical Assistance
Staff members working in the Solid Waste Program can provide pre-application reviews of solid waste treatment, storage or disposal sites. They can also assist owners or operators in understanding the rules and requirements under the Utah solid waste program for siting, design, operation, monitoring, and closure of solid waste management facilities.
Public Assistance
Staff members can provide the public with information on the rules and practices for solid waste treatment, storage and disposal. Information about solid waste facilities in Utah is available on this Website. If you need information on any non-hazardous solid waste facility or activity, please call the Division at (801) 536-0200 and ask for a member of the Solid Waste Section.
EPA Documents
- EPA Illegal Dumping Prevention Guidebook (03/1998)
- Volunteer Monitor’s Guide to Quality Assurance Plans (The guide has a lot of graphics that make it slow to view).
Recently, the Director of the Utah Department of Environmental Quality’s Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control and the Utah Attorney General’s Office have clarified
its legal right to obtain access to solid and hazardous waste handlers’ sites. See the attached document for the clarification:
Brian Speer (
Manager, Solid Waste Section
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
195 North 1950 West
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880
Phone: (385) 499-0010