Solid Waste Rules
The Solid and Hazardous Waste Act, Utah Code Annotated Title 19 Chapter 6 part 1, provides the Department of Environmental Quality’s Waste Management and Radiation Control Board the authority to make rules to protect the public and the environment. The Board has established the Solid Waste Management Rules.
The Director of the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control administers these rules. These rules contain requirements relating to persons or organizations that treat, store, or disposal of non-hazardous solid waste.
Since the rulemaking process is continuing in nature, the reader is directed to the Utah Sate Bulletin, which provides public notice for rule amendments. Rulemaking public notices are also available for those wanting to review them.
Note: References to CFR refer to the Code of Federal Regulations (Solid Waste regulations are contained in 40 CFR 257 through 258). Copies of the Code of Federal Regulations can be obtained from the National Archives Code of Federal Regulations eCFR website.
- R315-301
This rule sets minimum performance standards for the proper management of solid wastes originating from residences, commercial, agricultural, and other sources as well as prohibiting illegal disposal of solid waste and requiring the cleanup of sites including ground water. - R315-302
This rule contains facility location standards, general facility requirements and closure requirements. - R315-303
This rule contains the requirements for design, operation, maintenance, and closure of solid waste disposal facilitates. - R315-304
This rule contains the requirements for permitting, operation and closure of solid waste landfills that receive exclusively waste generated by industries. - R315-305
This rule contains the requirements for design, permitting, operation, and closure of solid waste landfills that receive construction and demolition waste and some other types of waste. - R315-306
This rule contains the requirements for the design, permitting, operation and closure of solid waste incinerators. - R315-307
This rule contains standards that apply to any facility that engages in the landtreatment, landfarming, or landspreading disposal of solid waste. - R315-308
This rule contains the requirements that apply to ground water monitoring at solid waste facilities. - R315-309
This rule contains the financial assurance requirements that must be met by solid waste disposal facilities. - R315-310
This rule lists the materials that must be included in an application for a solid waste facility permit. - R315-311
This rule details the permit approval and public process for solid waste permits. - R315-312
This rule contains the standards that must be met by solid waste recycling and composting facilities. - R315-313
This rule contains standards for transfer stations and drop box facilities. - R315-314
This rule contains standards for piles used for storage and treatment of solid waste. - R315-315
This rule contains standards for wastes that require special handling. - R315-316
This rule contains specific requirements for the treatment, transport, storage, and disposal of infectious waste. - R315-317
This rule contains the processes and criteria that the Director will use to address violations and petitions for rule changes. - R315-318
This rule contains the conditions under which permit by rule can be granted. - R315-319
This rule contains the requirements that electrical power generation facilities that generate coal combustion ash must meet. - R315-320
This rule contains the requirements for waste tire transporters and recyclers. - R315-321
- This rule contains the standards for landfills designed for disposal of exploration and production waste from the oil and gas industry.
- R315-322
- This rule contains the standards for solid waste surface impoundments designed to hold nonhazardous high liquid waste, leachate, or sludge.