Uranium Mills

There are three uranium mill facilities in Utah that DWMRC is responsible for licensing and regulating.  The former Atlas Mill in Moab is not regulated by DWMRC, but is undergoing remediation under the oversight of the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). This page provides access to information specific to these uranium mill facilities. 

Electronic Process for Licensing

Beginning in February of 2025 companies seeking to obtain a license to operate a Uranium Recovery Facility and those already licensed needing to renew or amend licenses will do so using an electronic process via the Division’s new Community Portal.  Click Instructions for using the Community Portal to get the guidance document for Uranium Recovery Facilities.

A generic Community Portal Users Guide can be obtained at this link.

See the Community Portal Login to login to the Community Portal.

Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc.

Energy Fuels Resources (USA) Inc. (EFRI) operates the White Mesa Uranium Mill, located approximately six miles south of Blanding. Prior to EFRI, taking ownership of the Mill in August, 2012, it was operated by Denison Mines (USA) Corporation from December, 2006 to August 2012. Proceeding Denison Mines, the facility was operated by International Uranium (USA) Corporation.

Anfield Resources Holding Corporation

Anfield Resources Holding Corporation, also known as Shootaring Canyon, is located in a sparsely populated area of Garfield County, southeastern Utah. Approximately 50 miles south of Hanksville, Utah, 14 miles north of Bullfrog Basin Marina, and 2 miles west of Utah State Highway 276. The small town of Ticaboo is located 2.6 miles south of the site.

Rio Algom Mining LLC

Rio Algom Mining LLC has a current Radioactive Materials License for a former uranium milling facility in the Lisbon Valley. The Lisbon Valley site is located in San Juan County, Utah, approximately 2 miles south of the rural community of La Sal. The City of Moab, Utah is approximately 30 miles to the northwest of the Site, and Monticello, Utah is 35 miles south.

Rio Algom Mining Corporation began uranium mining and milling operations in May 1972. In October 1988 the mine was closed for economic reasons. Milling ceased in early 1989. Site reclamation also commenced in 1989. Rio Algom is currently working with the State of Utah on remaining, unresolved issues so that the site can be turned over to the U.S. DOE for long term care and surveillance.

Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (Atlas Mill Site Cleanup)

The Moab Uranium Mill Tailings Remedial Action (UMTRA) Project is relocating mill tailings and other contaminated materials from a former uranium-ore processing facility and from off-site properties known as vicinity properties in Moab, Utah, to an engineered disposal cell constructed near Crescent Junction, Utah. The U.S. DOE Office of Environmental Management in Grand Junction, Colorado, has primary responsibility for managing the Moab Project.

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